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Drunk at work

Started by skurvy, 19 November, 2004, 10:24:49 PM

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I'l tell you what, these days two pints and I'm anyones.

Used to be able to drink at lunchtimes, but now one scoop and I am a gibbering idiot.


I envy you.

Ah the bliss of an afternoon that flies by - especially a Friday one.
"Trust we"


I work with glass - being pubbed-up during the day isn't a good idea, especially since I cycle to and from work.
We do knock off early on a friday, though.  I've been numbing my arse playing Halo 2 all afternoon, and I'm off to get some beer to drink while I practice 12-bar blues this evening.  Then maybe the pub - though probably not, with those prices.

Two pints is pitiable, Skurvy.  It really is.


Spent the afternoon playing MAME games on the X-box dev kit.

And that's actual work too - I was testing the frame rates to see which ones will need the most optimising :)


Queen Firey-Bou

jammie sods, not that drinking during work is a good idea, its bad enough half the customers stinking of booze...

i could murder a pint tho, didnt even get me post training half with the boys this week.

& yeah two pints & i actually start smiling.

Richmond Clements

I'm on the same boat as you and Bou,Skurvy.
I can't hold my drink either.

Max Kon


Ay Rac, be careful with that drink you got it all over me.


My job positively encourages drinking at work.

We're a "wine merchant" you see. Not one of those common off-licenses, oh no.

Devons Daddy

having to attend wine tastings, beer tastings on a semi regular basis over the years. i have found it has been beneficail to  BECOME THE BOSS as in the CHEF, and take the night off after such functions.

spent to many awful evenings over the stove with a hangover from the afternoon.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


Yeah I can't drink in the afternoon either!
And I REALLY hate when you have a beer in the afternoon the stop drinking #Brrrr# sobering up I always get a MASSIVE headache.

As for actually BEING drunk at work it can be...interesting. Especially as I'm in a public facing bit of a Jobcentre!