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Total War and the tsunami disaster

Started by Dudley, 11 January, 2005, 03:31:06 PM

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Queen Firey-Bou

was that europe wide ? it was the most surreal thing, we were at " zoomarine " an aquatic theme park, near deserted in the winter sun, when out of the blue the blaring 'ambient' music stopped & in bad english this announcment was made. we stood there, quietly listening to the parrots sckreeching, wondering if this was daily or what & why the minute was taking three times longer than normal.


late to this thread, but...

- I too noticed the similarity between the aftermath of Total War and the tsunami, but it`s just a coincidence and there`s no way they should have pulled the story. It`s not at all offensive and anyway, it`s hardly as if people in Sri Lanka and Thailand are looking up from their copies of 2000 AD saying `there`s a coincidence`.
- very sorry to hear about your brother Gordon.
- celebrity good-cause badgering is as inevitable as death and taxes. This doesn`t make it any more fun or useful,  but it would take armed force to stop it happening

Queen Firey-Bou

well heres us badgering folks. not pictured is the three brave boys in full BA, they managed 4 miles in just over an hour & with only two cylinders each..

more importantly we raised around ?500, hurrah !

tell ye what tho ,these fire boots are not made for walking, aieeeeeeeeeee !  THE BLISTERS !">


Speaking of matters of taste - recently, I met an old mate for the first time in about five years, and we got to talking about his mum's recent unfortunate turn of luck.  Apparantly, she suffers from a degeneration of the ends of the nerves in her body, making her incapable of feeling anything, heat or cold, or pain, on any part of her body.  Perhaps insensitively, I pointed out that this was 'fucking cool.  Your mum's like a bond villian!'
Even more insensitively, while she was out of her electric wheelchair and with her physiotherapist, learning how to walk again, my mate comandeered said wheelchair to race around the house screaming 'Timmy!'

The Amstor Computer

LOL! BTW - I never, ever figured out what Timmy says after he shouts his name. Is it meant to be "Living a lie"? "Living it large"? "Live and let die"?

It's bugged me for ages... suppose I should just Google it :-)


Gordon, my condolences. My bestest mate did that 6 yrs ago and I still have a hard time with it. So tough it out and don't feel ashamed for using it to do an article, plus kudos for this month's column in the Meg. I nearly wet myself from laughing.

Firey_Bou et al, congrats on continuing to raise money for charity. If anyone tries to make you feel guilty because you have had the audacity to raise money for the charity of YOUR choice, just ask them what they have done for their charity.

I made an idiot of myself, but I raised an extra ?250-400 for the victims of the Tsunami, so I consider it a worthy act.

Talking about humour when faced with disaster, it is a natural reaction. Simply for the fact that if you do not laugh at what has happened, then you will be paralysed by tears.  And even the slowest of us knows that you need to be able to do something to be effective and, personally, I would rather have crude jokes than crocodile tears.

OK that should be enough to kill off this thread!