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Culture vulture....

Started by plastikman, 06 May, 2002, 04:09:45 AM

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Anyone got a favourite artist (in the non 2000ad sense)?

I'm fond of Roy Lichtenstein (pop artist) - basically took comic book images and presented them as "art" in the high culture sense - one of his aims was to make art accessible to everyone.

Recon most comic book readers would enjoy his work - there's a hugh piece in the Tate Modern in London - it's excellent.


Pieter Brueghel or 'Hell Brueghal'

Believe it or not I first came across one of his paintings on a low budget best of Black Sabbath LP I picked up when my saturdays consisted almost entirely of browsing second hand LP's in grimy dingy shops in Stockton.  It was the 'Triumph of Death' and it was my art teacher Laurie Peacock who filled me in on the details :)

Have a look.  You really need a better view of it, but there you go.

I think anyone who loves comic books would enjoy looking at this guys stuff.  The fantastic scenes of numerous figures all going about their business will probably remind you of at least a few comic books scenes that made you go ooh or ah.

Anyway that's me.


Salvador Dali always did it for me, oh and Rolf Harris!!


Mark Rothko, Gwen John, Stanley Spencer. All fairly unimaginative...

Oh, and William Blake. Whatever he was on, I _so_ want some of that. Bonkers. Angels and devils and God and Adam and Jerusalem... and it's all so gratuitously violent...


Ooooh, yes, that's good that is.

Apart from that, I'd say Heironymous Bosch was one of my favourites for weird stuff like that. Apart from that, I really like Ralph Steadman, who I've been in a drunken conga line with on the way into Aberdeen Art Gallery. That was very strange, but fun!


Oh, and for utter scary weirness: Roger Bacon.