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The new Daleks - spoiler

Started by Quirkafleeg, 14 April, 2005, 09:18:31 PM

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Matt Timson

Sadly, I was just being a doofus with my spelling.  Either way, she's not a patch on Romana:" alt="Image hosted by">

Even if she was chav before her time...


As the quote was also a little in-joke, it counts as a spoiler I think, albeit a minor one.

I really enjoyed reading all the comments from people about their kids being terrified by Doctor Who.

Link:" target="_blank">

Byron Virgo

"Go and stand in the corner now, byron..."

Sorry, I'm just a grumpy turd. It's just all this obsession with spoilers pisses me right off.
Didn't mean to dissparage JEB's Perry Mason obsession.

I suppose I could always try and make it up by getting an autograph of Mary Tamm and Lala Ward...

Matt Timson

Get Mary Tamm to come round to my house and all will be forgiven.  Lala Ward can bog off though...


Matt Timson

I'm not going anywhere Tom Baker's been...

Byron Virgo


Hang on... did JEB just defend me back there?! I think I had better lie down, I feel faint...

Matt Timson

Hey!  It's not my fault if you say more to take the piss out of than defend...



c'mon, Dr Who thread, more pictures of his assistants half nekkid.
Oh and Roamana definatly wins out, our repeats on ABC have just introduced her. Its good seeing all the available episodes in order as we've been getting them for the last year or so, ahh the memories.

CU Krestel