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so what happened about the new 2000ad action figures

Started by judgerussell, 20 May, 2002, 11:38:41 PM

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does anybody have any info on the new 2000ad action figures that were meant to be out ages ago? i just have to get my hands on them! there was even talk of abc warrior figures!! did it all just fade away and die or did i miss a notice that there will be no more?

Dog Rough

I heard they got axed because not enough people bought the range of figures.
I suppose thats what you get for not advertising on T.V.

Last of the V8's

Talking to the 2000ad crew at Expo yesterday,said they do not wish to continue with the action figures. They are looking at a classier form of merchandise, i.e. the resin statues.
Which personnaly I think is a BIG mistake, what with the popularity of the action figure market at the moment, i.e. Todd McFarlene's line.
If we could have 2k figures of THAT quality surley Rebellion would be onto a winner.


they could do both the action figures done right would sell but only if they were of a good standard not like the last shite, be interested to see how well the statues have sold


Speaking as a grown man who had a job when  tthe figures came out, I thought they were pretty good.

I bought 5 (excluding Durham Red, because she appeared to have bear no resemblance to the Durham Red I know). Even then I cracked when they were on sale for 2 quid at pound stretchers.

By classier, I can only imagine that means more expensive.  To be honest I find something that cost a tenner and I can chuck in a box when I can't be bothered to look at it any more somehow less pathetic than ernestly displaying my serious work of art (well, franklyn mint style) in the living room.

And the Reaction Figures weren't bad, you wanna see what the Dr Who fans have been getting for the last fifteen years.


fair point the death figure was good anyway dr who fans will buy any old rubbish


Don't know how well the statue's are selling but i wouldn't have that Death for ANY price. I mean - have you SEEN it????? The campest pose i've ever seen in my life.
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


got my death statue last week only waited 3 weeks for it from the shop looks a bit camp but complements dredd


My mate, worked for the company, he actually did the Joints(as in knees , elbows etc not spliffs) and did a really good mock up of the rogue trooper figure. but they were dropped becuase the only good figure was jonny alpha and sales were disappointing. they gad great plans but they never came to pass, back to making novellity toothbrush holders

he was actually the guy who was dressed up as dredd in the website photo's . only problem being that jamie is scottish, dredd ain't. convincing none the less
It Could Be That The Sole Purpose Of Your Life Is To Serve As A Warning To Others


Alpha was amazing, gutted there isn't a rogue trooper, chan he get me a prototype :)

I thought all of the figures werepretty good and I bought quite a few when they first came out.

Tex Hex

Uuuughhh(drool)...a.b.c warriors...todd mcfarlane...

Ooops! Drifted off there! What were we talking about?