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God should stop killing his children

Started by comic fan, 10 October, 2005, 11:56:46 PM

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Ah, but New Orleans is/was reknowned as where "the bible belt became unbuckled", and Asia is full of filthy hinduists and mosslems.
Most bible-thumpers would take this as punishment upon pagans and the wicked in general.  My favourite method of them going about saying this is "God didn't MAKE this happen, but he ALLOWED it to happen".
Call me odd, but for someone in the big G's position, isn't that EXACTLY the same thing?


Note for the slow of thinking and/or newbies:
Pofessor Bear is deliberately taking the piss with his spellings of Hindus and Muslims

House of Usher

God creates Heaven and the Earth, and all His angels, knowing that some of them will rebel and be cast down to Hell, and they will then do lots of mischief, but still creates them anyway, even the bad ones. Then he creates Man, and gives Man free will, knowing that Man will choose to be disobedient and make the wrong choice, and will have to be punished for his sins by being made mortal, etc.

It's all part of the plan, apparently.

Queen Firey-Bou

or maybe he's sunning it up on alpha centuri, & the big D is in charge? that would explain the proliferation of consumer & pollutant based global economy & free-will & self determination being priveliges of the most immoral, while the working classes prop up their business & shell out to aid relief charitys.

i was helping gardening this summer with ex-bosses, giving the kids a wee horticultural lesson ( damn my paganism ) , & explained " this is ground elder, its a really bad weed & you have to get all its roots out, its also called 'Devils guts' because of all the twisty roots..."   I got a bollocking for saying the word 'devil'.

wee frees = fecking psychotic two faced nut-jobs.

Funt Solo

Have you seen the Big Train sketch where God is sitting in an office eating a sandwich, but he hurts his tooth on a plastic spider someone has put inside it.

When he looks down on the plate someone's written "ha ha ha - you twat!"

God goes storming into the work-pool and starts shouting "I want a word with you" at Satan.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

House of Usher

What's the point of having a Devil anyway if you're not allowed to entertain/frighten children with tales of his awfulness? These Free Presbyterians of which you speak seem to have no idea of folklore!

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Byron Virgo

Has anyone considered that there may be a third possibility between God and the Devil? What happens in this country when the Prime Minister goes abroad/has a heart attack/whatever? The Deputy PM takes charge. Would it not make sense, therefore, if the fucked up state of the world was due to some form of metaphysical John Prescott?

Steve Green

Throw an egg in the sky, see if a gigantic fist comes hurtling back towards you...

- Steve

Generally Contrary

Hmm, one point of that essay struck me as interesting.  As he was grappling with the problem of an immaterial but effective 'soul' he tried to use the analogy of a 'black hole'.  He writes:

"Now it is obvious that we cannot see black holes but we can see the effects of one (E.g. gravitational fields)."

Now, he has unsuspectingly hit on part of one of the central problems of knowledge.  Even when we think that we are seeing things directly we are 'only' seeing the effects (reflected light) of one.  This doesn't mean that the things are immaterial.

Queen Firey-Bou

now ive had out of the body experiences, and plenty ghostie ones, does that prove the soul exists, or just proove that the mind is a very perculiar self deluding organ?

my bhuddist student new age ( grrrr eeejits ) mates used to wibble on about the difference between the spirit & the soul..

never mind measureing the immeasurable, nowadays we've got the evolution of lingustic definitions to contend with, one persons 'soul' is different to another. & what about energy fields/ auras/ magnetics? & quantumm physics eh eh ?

grud, those old mates of mine would probably have linked the current disasters with some kharmic, conspiracy governed by tibetan atlanteans living at the earths core waving crystals about in some dodgy right wing eugenical tainted manner.

point being... er..  we just don't know do we, but why not be nice to people anyway.

Carlsborg Expert

Let me guess.

And they loorved to fuck.


Something Fishy

just like old times.  Nice to have our old scojolooniepants back to amuse us.

Carlsborg Expert

Not me. Im just aying these people Bou was going on about., would prattle on in pseudo-intelligent debates to get off on each others "spirits"

which Id regard as a wee bit dangerous.

Bodies are one thing spirits should not lie in the wet patch.

If they are anything like the people I met.


Queen Firey-Bou

nah , these were far too up tight, too busy trying to control everyone else with herbal tea & judgeing me as kharmically challenged because i didnt meditate ( sit on arse ) for 8 hours a day & listened to contemporary music which is just sooo much samsara compared to the holy yak gargling wibbling symphonies.