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Meg 239 - All Rise for His Dishonour

Started by thinky, 14 November, 2005, 05:14:39 PM

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Judge Olde


I don't see that the missing 16 pages is such an issue. As long as it's the bad 16 pages, re-prints and fill in crap that got cut.

It might have been better if rather than hiding behind a silly gimic of a cut out cover and a slight relaunch - the Meg and Alan were clean about the changes.

That way nobody could have taken issue. His comments aren't offensive - but we pay his wages. He should take into consideration that many more people use the web now than a few years back.

An obvious place for a new Meg reader to go would be here or 2000adreview forum...

Byron Virgo

Yes, because we, the Fans, own him like a piece of meant, and he must acquiesse to ever single one of our sordid fantasies, no matter how degrading or hopelessly inept they might be.

After all, we, the Fans, have a much greater knowledge of how to publish a successful periodical than someone who's been in the game for more than a decade now.

How on Earth could this Barnes character have managed to make the Megazine a success without carefully obeying the Voice of the Fanertrons to the exact letter? Ridiculous!


My God, what is that peculiar creature, walking about, bold as brass?  It's got four legs... and an orangey, gingery pelt... it's quite small... it's... it's a... cat!  Yes, indeed, by Jove, a cat!

Well, that's solv- no, wait, what are those other things?  Those sort of grey, flappy things?  The cat appears to be... to be alarming them... Yes!  They're cooing furiously, they're flapping wildly about the place, I'm pretty sure that... they're pigeons!  Definitely pigeons!

So the only mystery is, who would be so sadistic as to put a cat in amongst some pigeons like that?  And then stand back to gain amusement from the stupid wee birds' indignant panic?  That would take some kind of low bastard, wouldn't it?  

Though I have to admit, it's pretty funny.

Funt Solo

What it costs you, the brain-dead zombie-like consumer:

2000AD ?0.0546875 per page
JD Meg ?0.0535714 per page
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Matt Timson

Careful now, Byron- not everybody understands how irony works you know...



Tell me about, burned my shirt first time I tried, and the second-  mum does all of it for me now


Okay, we exhusted the first page can we get on and discuss the rest of it?

Who lurves that Major Easy?

Huff the bananaless
DDT did a job on me

Roger Godpleton

Cover: Very nice stuff. Didn't make me go "WOW!", but it did get my attention.

Dredd: Solid action tale with great Kennedy art. The infra-red page was particularly striking and well executed. The villains were genuinely contemptible, so the ironic climax was particularly gratifying. Great stuuf.

Shimura: I'm really glad MacNeil is on art, as he brings a real sense of drama and grittiness to this story. The two Clarke stories seemed a bit too glossy and OTT, Colin fills this with a sense of mystery and dread. Those villains look AWESOME as well. Good/Great Stuff.

Simping Detective: The ending was a tad muddled, but I can't fault the rest of the strip. I love how this strip suddenly jumps from massive action scenes to low-down detective work, it makes it really unpredictable & fun. Plus the colour scheme is great. Really Great Stuff.

Anderson: I love Ranson's art, but he really excels himself here, there were at least 2 moments when I was taken aback. Grant is really building this one up without hinting how the Sisters will make their move. Great Stuff.

Cursed Earth Koburn: Wow, everything was well done here, the comedy could of been tedious and cliched, but Rennie does it with class. This new villain seems promising, the bloke being in tortured was a brilliant touch. I'm sure there'll be complaints about Judge Death, but to them I say, "Yeah, well ... You're gay". Plus any story which features Judge Bonaventura is awesome by default. Great Stuff

Heatseekers: O.K. Stuff.

Charley's War: Not as good as other episodes, but an enjoyable read, in spite of the most cliched Yankee character EVAH. Good stuff.

Tomorrow People: Made me want to watch the original programs. Good Stuff.

Overall: Great Stuff.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!