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Prog 1468 - Tunnel Vision! Dancer's Descent into Danger

Started by The Adventurer, 05 December, 2005, 06:31:14 AM

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Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn't mean...

SinDex rocks!!!!!!!


Great Prog!

Droid Life: Loool. And you know what, it would have made a perfect Future Shock.

Dredd: I am not a big Gibson fan, too cartoony for my taste. But this was perfect. Wouldn?t have worked so well with, say, Flint or Robinson.

Fun story. Lots of funny moments - Death at the Departure Gate hehehe - , some incredibly offhand nasty slaugther and a villianess with potential. Good one, Rennie!

This is what makes Dredd so good as a series. You can do the gritty, earnest stuff like Orlock & Co, you can do the satire, and you can do the mixture of both. And all works most of the time.

Red Seas: This is becoming as good as Caballistics in its own way. Who?d have thought. This is what comics can do and so often don?t deliver. Conveying a sense of wonder. Marvellous double-spread. And of course it had to be a white Queen as mistress of the dino-people. She who must be obeyed. *chuckle* Edginton and Yeowell are on a roll here.

Sin/Dex: I have to confess that I stopped reading this a long time ago. Guess I have to re-read the whole story as folks here only had to say good things about it.

But one snark may be allowed. :-) Look, it?s the Kingpin!


Well the decks are now cleared.

Dredd : I'm glad there's a set-up for what could be a recurring villain as I've always thought Mega-city needs more. Lovely art from Gibson and a tidy script from Grennie.

PS In one of the frames is a poster for De Klein. Is that meant to be the same person as the girl at the end? I sometimes find Gibsons ladies a bit samey.Just a thought.

Red Seas : Great!!! A big story which could run & run. Most happy.

Sin/Dex : Still not a fan. None of the main two are going to die so why even bother getting excited. Ho-hum. Still looks nice though.

Next week 100 pages of thrills and I'm off work. Yee & ha!!!
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Carlsborg Expert

Final page analysis. Dredd I wonder if thats the moon and if Class of '79 is going to be a parody of the Robert Carlisle thing on TV.

Red Seas. Oh my god is that a Conan page dropped in there by Yeowell?(Told you it was a farty sprout monster:))

Sin/Dex. Oh my god! Is that.....who the hell is that?!

++End of Analysis++

Droid Page:-Theres not much to that Davis Droid is there, i mean for one whose acredited to so much detail. I am glad he likes Amelie. Lovely actress! The film is as good as he thinks as well.

Ooh some letters tucked in at the bottom too.I see Thargs looking after the minority readership this week with the elderly and some woman..yeeeek.

Ill see meself out.

As for thrills next week. Bring em on! Ill read yah under the TABLE! BOSH!

Meerrry Chrristmaas!
(Yes Ill say it again next week too.)

Carlsborg Expert

As for thrills next week. Bring em on! Ill read yah under the TABLE! BOSH! hits head on underside of table from amazement.

Roger Godpleton

Droid Life: The last panel is priceless, and I found the "Shock" genuinely shocking. Great Stuff.

Dredd: A new villain is introduced in a leftfield fashion. Huzzah. As with others, I only saw it was Rennie when I saw the credits. The best thing about Rennie's scripts in general is that they put a new spin on Dredd whilst still fitting into the "feel" of Dredd. Great Stuff.

Red Seas: Rollicking good fun, Jack's brother is such a good character. The "Yes, Father" panel was timed perfectly, and the cliffhanger was unexpected and exciting. Very Good Stuff.

Sin/Dex: Wow. Everything in this episode had a real sense of gravitas behind it due both to the masterful build and Simon's astonishing art. This episode felt like a TV Show, and even Tracy saying "You have the right to know I love you" didn't seem lame. Probably the second best non-Dredd story this year behind Savage Book 2. Really Great Stuff.

Overall: Great Stuff.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Queen Firey-Bou

goddamn, i'm going to feel a bit of a dick for getting so upset if ray is okay with a leap and a bound, and or billi. damn the suspense. but they generally use ambulances to take dead people away in , not just injured.

 i shouldnt have read 2 proggs in one go... ARGGHHHHHG need more !


Anyone know if the writer of Dredd this week is Scottish as the block mentioned "Deek Riordan" is the name of a footballer in Edinburgh?

Carlsborg Expert

New reader that also caught my eye. From what I have seen he may be.




So that's a yes. Is it written though, or is it a drawn block name? Cos Gordon ain't a Hi-B.