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Judge Blair strikes again

Started by IndigoPrime, 01 September, 2006, 12:38:44 AM

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Dog Deever

"What do you suggest as an alternative? "

Armed revolt?
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Would these 'future criminals' being spotted include people who start illegal wars?
or are involved in coporate crime(EXXON)?or massive tax evasions and other white collar crime?, or people who take bribes and hand out knighthoods? or groups of people who hijack political parties sellout their ideas and run them into the ground? GGGGGRRRRR!
or will it again be young men who have been tossed aside by the system, have nothing to do and nowhere to do it?
The next ravings of bugeyed Blair will surely mention consription into the fight again the Lizard people and their axis of other people who aren't us.

Given the number of party politicos who have been caught with their hands in the till, down someone elses knickers or covered in the blood of innocents surely the simple act of joining a political party should be an indicator of a leaning towards future crimes?

DDT did a job on me

The Enigmatic Dr X

Well, I think our Leader's idea is doubleplus good.
Lock up your spoons!


isn't Blair introducing a bill which will allow the PM to bypass parliament completely, under the guise of 'doing away with red tape' (in this case, red tape would equal your MPs)?  
  Eagle shoulderpads must be just around the metaphorical corner


Hmmmm... the judge system is necessary in MC-1 because of the increased crime rate due to increased leisure time due to robots doing all the hard work.

If we're going to have to put up with Judge style justice, then I demand more leisure time.
And a gadget that will help we head eggs into a bucket.
Better set your phaser to stun.


What Proudhuff said.

Spoiled ballots make no fuckin difference either to these fuckers.Anyone vote for the Iraqi invasion?

I shall point out that I am one of those inconvienient exceptiion to their 'it's the poor peeps fault as usual' rule-in fact,I'm so middle class now I even have *three* types of pasta *and* brown rice in me cupboard!

On a semi related note-does anyone give a shite if there's a microchip/transponder/whatever on your recycling bin?

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Steve Green

I'm wondering if we can have fun when the inevitable car tracking takes place as well.

Wheelie bin clocked doing 120 up the M1?

- Steve


Looks like he's taken the 'Arrest Black Babies Before They Become Criminals' slogan from T-Shirt Hell seriously.  He should wear that shirt on his next public appearence.


"isn't Blair introducing a bill which will allow the PM to bypass parliament completely, under the guise of 'doing away with red tape'"

Yup - the "Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill" (snappy title eh).  Very very scary law that Blair is trying to force through.  More details at:

Mikey: "Spoiled ballots make no fuckin difference either to these fuckers."
I don't agree with this at all.  Not turning out to vote just reduces turnout and allows the government to say that you were happy with the status quo or the opposition to rather feebly mew on about increasing voter apathy.  At the end of the day people don't usually ascribe a non-vote to any frustration at the government.  The winner does not factor it into their so-called mandate (i.e. they will quote that x% of the voting electorate asked for them, not y% of the whole electorate).  A poilt ballot on the other hand is a very definite signal that you have not voted for any of the candidates.  It is counted as a "vote" and so your non-vote is counted when governments start bleating on about mandates.

Its your choice really but if you don't vote you are in effect voting for all parties.  If you spoil your ballot you in fact voting for none.

House of Usher

Dog Deever, I look forward to your armed revolt with interest.


>No, it isn't. A [clearly] spoiled ballot is a vote AGAINST the system. You're saying "I'm aware of my rights to vote, I've actually shown up, but I don't believe in the system/parties".

Yes it is, it says you support the system of voting for leaders & otherwise in the first place. You'r head has been counted.

House of Usher

That's right. You ask every non-voting dole scrounger, crack cocaine addict, redundant factory worker, girl who works behind the counter at Boots, delivery driver, plasterer, farm labourer, midlife, IT manager and circus clown, and they'll tell you one thing:

"The reason I don't vote is not because I can't be bothered and it doesn't make a difference to me either way who runs the country, and I'm not interested in politics - it's because I'm an anarchist and I'm trying to bring down the corrupt electoral system by ignoring it." Right on!

Jared Katooie

Vote Green. Their policies may be flawed but at least their intentions are good. I mean, no politician proposes carbon taxes to make themselves popular. If you cant stomach the Greens then vote Monster Raving Looney party or something...

A note on not voting. In America only something like 5% of the population votes. They elected George Bush.