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Prog 1536 - His City. His Law.

Started by Pete Wells, 08 May, 2007, 09:10:05 AM

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I'd like to see Simon Coleby draw some more Dredd.

Keef Monkey

"I'd like to see Simon Coleby draw some more Dredd."

Ditto, had a very classic look about it. Wasn't sure who the female judge was supposed to be, was that Hershey? If so she's starting to look a lot like McGruder...

Robin Low

"Wasn't sure who the female judge was supposed to be, was that Hershey? If so she's starting to look a lot like McGruder..."

I presume it was Judge Westmorland who Clay Buren mentions on page three of the strip.



Robin Low

"I also think that Massimo deserves a more substantial tribute than the quite freaky Roberts 'melting-Ace' pin-up."

Too bloody right! I got rather uptight on the Massimo thread about the comic's failure to acknowledge the guy before he died, and frankly this hurriedly splodged out piece of tat has not improved the image of the powers that be. Yes, I'm sure there would also have be grumbles if a suitable trubute had not been swift, but this was a feeble effort.



Robin Low

"I'd love for Mean to stay, well, not very mean at all. I thought the ending to his last solo story was surprisingly sweet and this built on it."

Was the last Mean story in the Meg? I'm missing one issue (can't remember which), and think I missed it, although I understand he ended up loose in the Cursed Earth.

I imagine that for whatever reason (causing trouble of one sort or another, perhaps), Mean was picked up and brought back again.

Overall, Fifty-Year Man didn't grab me as much as I was expecting/hoping from all the talk here, but this brief interlude with Mean packed a certain emotional ooomph. One thing that stands out here is that it's Dredd who makes the decision to release him. After so many others have released Mean in error, Dredd finally gets to do it, but this time we can have more faith in the wisdom of the decision.

I think it would be a mistake for Mean to reappear as a villain, but I wouldn't object to seeing Dredd drop by and visit him once in a while.

Just for old time's sake, yuh know?




So was this Mean Jr.'s first appearance since SON OF MEAN?

Dark Jimbo

Nope, he turned up for Mean's wedding in Megs 218 - 220.