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Tom Frame memorial Halo Jones artwork auction...

Started by Buddy, 14 July, 2007, 10:58:27 AM

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Ian Gibson has listed the Halo and Sam artwork from the Tom Frame poster Rufus organised on ebay.

I'm sure it'll go for big money and he's donating to the charity so why not stick a few bids in anyway.

Link:" target="_blank">Halo

Peter Wolf

   Without any disrespect to the deceased plus the others involved in this but i just dont like the artists style at all.But i am sure that there are more than enough who would love to own that artwork.

      It was intersting seeing that the seller lives in St.Leonards On Sea.Its next door to hastings and i know the area very well indeed.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Ian Gibson is selling the art, Peter.

All proceeds going to the Marie Curie Hospice.

Kind regards,

Peter Wolf

    I an Gibson lives in Hastings !   Thats another to add to the list of notable residents.

  Apologies for not being a big fan of the art but thats the way it goes with comic art.

   I am sure it will sell well too .Theres a lot of it.

    Theres also 1 page of Inferno artwork for sale on Ebay as well.Robert Cox is bidding on it.  

  The local charity shop here is The Marie Curie shop.

    I am sure they will be grateful for your generosity.I am going to have a clearout soon and give it all to them.

            Kind regards

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Peter Wolf


  This particular charity shop is a focal point for a lot of people in the village as its a meeting place of sorts.Its also the best charity shop for books that i know of.

     Dont tell them that i helped myself a couple of times to a couple of things left outside the shop on a sunday !
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Don't tell every one Peter, i lose enough Massimo artwork to snipers as it is without it being broadcast, but hold on, by me posting this reply..........Damn! Just hope enough people have killfiled ya* not to see!!

* only joking

Peter Wolf

  I  wont be bidding on it !  I am sure no one here would do that to you.  Being online and present at  the end of the auction always helps too.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Peter Wolf

  Apart from the Colour art that is being auctioned off for charity there is also a lot of other Ian Gibson art for sale as well and it is still very cheap.

   You could do a lot worse than have a look if you havent already.  There are some very nice pencil sketches amongst it.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Dog Deever

Don't like Ian Gibson's art- what an utterly preposterous post, Peter- that's it- killfile for you!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Peter Wolf

   Ve haf vays of making you like the art like we have vays of making you talk !!
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death