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They really do want to be PSU...

Started by Steve Green, 02 August, 2007, 10:22:55 AM

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House of Usher

Recently watched a woman drop a cigarette box on the ground within a few feet of a bin. Ignorant bitch.

I would've picked it up and handed it back to her, or said "you dropped something". It'll quite possibly get me stabbed one day, but when I see people littering I just can't help myself!


""Or aren't a Brazilian electrician at the mercy of gun-toting dibble."

Unless the police collecting DNA are carrying guns I fail to see a connection.

"Apart from the loss of our civil liberties, of course."

And the loss of the ability to commit crimes and get away with it.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Steve Green

The first time I went on the Millenium footbridge, I was amazed to see gum stuck on the gratings.

Throwing it in the Thames was obviously too much effort.


Here's a good scenario:-

There is a group of people, mostly teenagers and one drops some litter.
You intervene and say could you pick that up please.
Verbal abuse comes your way as the group surround you.
You try to move away so as to not get hurt.
They attack you.
You DEFEND yourself.
YOU end up in court.
YOU are found guilty.
YOU have criminal record and not them.

I read about similar things every day in this free country of ours where the innocent are punished and the criminals are rewarded.

Steve Green

I noticed that it was reported that the suspects in the Cash for Honours investigation weren't added to the Database.


I read about similar things every day in this free country of ours where the innocent are punished and the criminals are rewarded.

One thing that I remember from a few years ago was when some lowlife broke into a family's house while they were sleeping, fell over their washing basket in the dark and broke his arm. He then went on to *successfully* sue the homeowners for damages. IIRC, if someone breaks into your home, regardless if their intention is to burgle, rape or murder you, and you have a dog that bites them, then *you're* the one that gets done. Madness.

Peter Wolf

  I have never been done for defending myself.

  I will not ever not defend myself either .I dont take shit. I dont care what the law says.

   Cash for honours .I dont want to go there.I want to stay in a good mood. Likewise walking away scott free after conducting an illegal war.
    Tony Blair ?   Just give me 5 minutes in a locked room with him and i will end the problem of Tony Blair permanently.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Likewise walking away scott free after conducting an illegal war.

Ah the Fourth World, Kirby's masterpiece...

Matt Timson

"If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear"

...he kept repeating to himself as he was marched off to the detention centre...

Matt Timson

"If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear"

...he kept repeating to himself as he was marched off to the detention centre...

Matt Timson

"It'll quite possibly get me stabbed one day, but when I see people littering I just can't help myself!"

I know the feeling.  I got into a terrible punch up over some tosser throwing his burger box (and half eaten burger) on the floor, again, while actually walking past a bin.

Mind you, it didn't help that I called him a scruffy cunt, I suppose.

Peter Wolf

  I got into a confrontation with a chav who dropped what they were eating right next to my feet as i was waiting on a doorstep for a taxi or something.
    It was a baked potatoe.   It made a splat as it hit the floor.     "fuckin ell  ! " said the chav .  So i said are you going to pick that up then ?

  "Fuck off  etc etc etc " said the stroppy chav.

  SPLAT   !!  went the baked potatoe on the back of his head as he was walking down the pavement.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death