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The Old Slaine Reflex

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 06 August, 2007, 10:28:34 AM

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Sitting right in front of me now is my most recent aquisition from Ebay.

That old Slaine Martech game for the Commodore 64.

AAs it does feel just alittle difficult to appreciate some game I can't really use due the absence of my father's old Commodore 64. We actualley do have one around somewhere, but the Cassete Deck needed to run that game isn't working either.

anyway, I knew what I was doing when I ordered thsi old Game. It was pretty cheap and I had always regeerted never buying it when I had seen one sitting on the shelf at the local computer games retailer about twenty years prior to now.

Of course I had already tried the emulated version availbale from thsi website. Out of curiosity. I still wasn't sure if it wasn't just a demo or just not the full version.

As I could only access the game Inventory only once ( Which only appeared up on the screen momentarily, before disappearing, never to be seen again.) and I had reached what I though to be alot of dead ends with in the game.  

Anyway, now that I actualley own a offical version of the game. I feel that more justified in using downloaded the free version again.

Though I would like to know if that particular version is or isn't the full game.  

Link:" target="_blank">Slaine Martech Game.">


An imac 20" in work keeps shutting down.

On restart it works for about 15mins and shuts down again.

Someone suggested resetting the PMU (power management unit) I tried this but still shutting down.

I then read that the PMU button has to be pressed for a few seconds (I just pushed it like an no/off button).

Would it be OK for me to try again pressing for a few seconds??

I understand that pressing the button more than once is a no-no. How long would I ave to wait before attempting again??

Suggestions/advice appreciated!!

Thanks in advance.