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Started by JOE SOAP, 16 August, 2007, 09:51:21 PM

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Funt Solo

What Tordelback said.


I think it's a perfect prog because I enjoyed it from cover to cover, and didn't stop for breath.  It had a great mix of genres, styles and themes.  It amused, disgusted, shocked and frightened.

You can't ask for much more.

Sure, I could nitpick that I don't like Zippo (because, I don't like Zippo - or the eyepods - both things are horendously cheesy and get my back up whenever they appear) but then I have to weigh that up against the amazing art, and the hilarious  interogation scene with Blackblood.  General Public aside, I loved that "Surely, I am the evillist son of a bitch in the valley?" line.

For Stone Island, aye, the art can get hellishly confusing in the pan-dimensional-mutant attack scenes - but I love that this story has gone from a drawn-out prison break involving monsters to a post-apocalyptic alien invasion.  It's a lot more fun already than series 1 ever was.

Everyone's entitled to their onion, fer sure, but I disagree that the art style on Button Man is wrong, or mis-placed.  I think it's perfect.  (Sure, Ranson's great - but so is Irving - and it's a joy to see his work here in the pages of 2000AD.)

Cabs is just fucking excellent, as usual.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


'Cabs: At fucking last- this beats the arse off of anything in the prog. Great characters, cracking stories, wonderfully eerie and atmospheric scratchy art. It's just simply the best thing to have come out of 2000ad for at least a decade. Worth the whole prog price alone.'

Get off the fence, Deever, tell us what you really think.;)

Dog Deever

Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Peter Wolf

  Pete Docherty. I have never heard of him but he looks like a bit of a loser to me.

 Back to the prog : due to my not taking out a subscription i missed 3 progs and finally got back on track today.

 The cover is excellent. I always liked BlackBlood anyway.I think this particular cover is the best of the series as well.i have missed the first part of this story but  never mind.The art is excellent.The story is excellent.what more can i say.

  Judge dredd. i must have missed something here.not sure exactly whats going on but it seems quite an interesting story.The art lets it down for me as i dont like it much.

 Buttonman  .This is my first time ever reading this strip.Judging by how much i have heard about this strip it seems to be highly rated.Quite a dark storyline but i like it so far.

 Cabballistics:  this is another highly rated strip that i have never read before.I need to give this more time but i like it so far.the b+w art is very good but it has to be said there isnt a lot of detail in it yet it works very well despite and white art is always fine by me.I could have done without that silly Pete and Kate line as well.

Stone Island : Not entirely sure whats going on here as once again i missed the last instalment.the art is excellent .Just one thing :could someone explain the character with the long head or neck ,dribbling blood, who talks with the cockney accent plus the giant mutant insects.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Everything peterwolf just said proves that there should be proper recap pages for returning series. If not in the issue itself, then here on the website and they can print a link in the input section in the prog.

Great prog? - Absolutely

Accessible for new readers? - Not at all.


Peter Wolf

 Very good point about having a recap on the website.There wouldnt be room in the prog.

  I am an "old"  new reader or a "new"  old reader.I cant decide which. [i initially stopped reading in 1986 would you believe ] but i have read sporadically until now notwithstanding EEs ,best ofs , etc.I must have got lost somewhere on the way here.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death