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Is 2000 AD too dull of late?

Started by Jared Katooie, 29 July, 2002, 09:22:37 PM

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Jared Katooie

Well is it?

There's too much drama and complexity.

I need a no-brainer. Like the early stuff....

....or balls brothers.

Lack of action is mature but SIN CITY tried this and ended up with a fizzle instead of a bang.

How can this be avoided?



>There's too much drama and complexity. I need a no-brainer.

But.. but.. wh-what about "Bison"?

Jared Katooie

Bison = cliche.

Oh and he's tortured by the death of his wife, has an akward relationship with his ex friend and has to balance the law he loves with the technology he hates.

So there.

More hookjaw less V for vendetta.

Jared Katooie

Jared Katooie


I wouldn't say so, Strontium Dog seems to be in the same vein as the original stories, Rogue Trooper looks to be the same, as with the VC's, just plenty good old action like before. And as the man says, Bison looks like it's building up to be a light cheesy action snack. Dredd deserves to be more complex, it always has been really, apart from loads of one-offs and comedy ones.

Jared Katooie

I never read the originals of those stories so I feel confused reading them.

And yes I admit it, Strontium dog is just fine.

How does the image thingy work? Can I use google images?

Jared " Netcrack " Katooie


More character & atmosphere, don't try and be too clever like that bec and col's (or whatever it was called) self referential style, and hold the dodgy humour.