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A Perfect Moment ...

Started by Jim_Campbell, 20 April, 2008, 11:44:51 PM

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Funt Solo

From Blazing Saddles:

[Dr. Howard Johnson (with laurel wreath in hand) greets Bart (the new sheriff), reading from a piece of paper, not realizing that Bart is black]

Howard Johnson: As chairman of the welcoming committee, it's a pleasure to present a laurel, and hardy handshake to our new
[finally looks up]
Howard Johnson: ... nigger.


It's the "Laurel & Hardy" part that cracks me up.
And it only works so well because this is the second time they're telling the joke - they practised their welcome speech earlier.  

And all this is going on inside the other joke, because Gabby Johnson (the old timer who speaks genuine frontier gibberish: "I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter.") is up on a roof shouting "He's a nigger!", but his words get cut off by the band, so it sounds like "He's a ni-", which everyone else thinks is "He's a-near!"

Anyway - sometimes I'll be walking along the street and I'll remember "laurel, and hardy handshake", and the context, and it just cracks me up.  I must look like a lunatic bursting out laughing for no apparent reason in the middle of the street.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Funt Solo

I'm almost in tears about it again now, just thinking about it.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


That's some authentic frontier gibberish right there :)


Johnny Stress, about 'Romper Stomper'....

One of the great but very rare Australian films.

My favorite scene is right at the end, though.

I like peice of music they played at the end.


The scene when Lee Van Cleef and Clint Eastwood first meet face-to-face in For A Few Dollars More and 'compare' pistols.

Cinematic perfection!


'the seventh seal' demi moore is lying with a stillborn baby and shes asked "will you die for him?" "Yes, i will die for him!"

gets me every time,even now just thinking 'bout it...


Pretty much every day I wake up and see my wife and think that I must be the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.

There's a beautiful cut in MAGNOLIA where Tom Cruise has been verbally battling with the journalist and the edit is made by the sound effect (a bell goes Ding Ding) to enforce the impression you've seen two pugilists going at each other.  I've always thought it was brilliant (the sort of thing David Lean used to do so effortless and Spielberg tries to do).

Thanks (I think) to Mister Spurrier for pointing out the perfect line that sums up the Professor's character in FUTURAMA:

Everybody is in favour of saving Hitler's brain but when you try and put it in the body of a Great White Shark then they're all "You've gone too far"

The first page of ALL STAR SUPERMAN.  Four panels and eight words sum up the whole superman mythos.

The final fight between BATMAN and SUPERMAN in DARK KNIGHT RETURNS.

So many perfect lines in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK but the "Truck? What Truck?" line and Harrison Ford's delivery are the essence of the character.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Opening scene from Memento.

Link:" target="_blank">REMEMBER SAMMY JENKIS


The "tears in rain" bit from Bladerunner,
the whole of "Big Business" from Laurel & Hardy,
the end line from "Road To Perdition" (buckets of tears every time),
similar theme - end of Field Of Dreams,
the Heat Ray firing for the first time in George Pal's War Of The Worlds (that noise still scares the crap out of me),
the first 5 mins of Road Warrior,
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


And on a similar but different note..

"Raw what?  Did you say shark? Raw shark?  Why should I want to know where to find... raw

I, Cosh

This whole thing makes me go WOW, but its the "Djannng! GDDRRLLRRLLRRLLA!" that's the best.

Link:" target="_blank">Like a comic

We never really die.