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Judge Dredd Vs The Midnight Surfer Paperback

Started by BobArctor, 19 July, 2008, 03:41:10 PM

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Hello, I'm moving house soon and getting rid of a lot of stuff in the process. This stuff includes the comics and books that I've collected over the years. I have this paperback edition of the Midnight surfer stories from 1989 by Titan books and was just wondering if anyone can give me a realistic quote on it as copies on amazon start at £30. It's in very good condition. The pages are a little yellow around the edges and a price is written in pencil on the inside page (could easily be erased I guess). Minor, tiny scuffs at the corners.

I also have a load of Megazines, volumes 1, 2 and 4 (not complete runs) and a few 2000ads if anyone is interested. I also have the Fleetway Quality reissues of Sam Slade Robo Hunter (2000ad 8,9 & 10). Thanks for reading!