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Started by JamesC, 18 March, 2008, 06:25:08 PM

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It is brilliant. The animation is mindblowing.

Can't really say I have a fave Pixar film, I really like just about all of them (Bug Life being the exception, but even that's still a good movie, just not as good as the others), and WALL*E is up there with the best of them.

Can't wait for the DVD release as Pixar usually have fantastic extras.

The Enigmatic Dr X

I find Pixar's stuff to be very hit and miss.

HITS: Toy Story 1 &2. Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, Cars (this is a great film)

MISSES: A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille

FInding Nemo, I think, is way way overlong (what do we do when his dad finds him? I know! We can split them up again!). And if you have a son that likes the DVD, the length of time it takes the fecking menu to appear is just incredible.

I am very put off by the fact that the Wall-E robots do not speak. For a children's film, that seems a big mistake. It strikes me that this is a navel gazing attempt to create a "legitimate" film, which is a pointless as arguing that Judge Dredd is an iconic fictional character (by which I mean, he is but the medium in which he is presented prevents him from being recognised as such by the masses, so why bother FFS?)
Lock up your spoons!


Each to their own really as Ratatouille was a hit in WoD-Ville.

Richmond Clements

Ratatouille was great, but I couldn't get past the fact that they were bloody rats! Crawling all over food! In a kitchen!

The only one that didn't do it for me was A Bugs Life, and this was merely an excellent movie, rather than the near genius level most of the Pixar output exists at.


**I am very put off by the fact that the Wall-E robots do not speak. For a children's film, that seems a big mistake.**

Not sure I understand the arguement, Dr. X. Wile E. Coyote/Roadrunner, Pink Panther, Tom and Jerry are all silent. You can hardly say that those cartoons were unpopular.

The Enigmatic Dr X

Well, my lad likes to pretend he is (depending on his mood/ the weather/ what he's just seen) a dalek, or Lightning McQueen, or Spiderman or whoever.

Can't see him wanting to be Wall-E without a catch phrase. And, while I freely admit I'm a philistine (hey, I liked Steve Martin as Sergeant Bilko), I suspect that adults would find a silent Pixer film to be dull, and so not buy the DVD or sit through it.

I am being a hypocrite here by talking about a film I haven't seen, but I am doing so to explain why I have reservations about seeing it
Lock up your spoons!

Roger Godpleton

Y'know, I had a conversation about Pixar the other day, and I started welling up at the mere mention of the ending of Monsters Inc.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Quote from: "Devons Daddy"i was about to post that fact also.
i feel the same way. very much inspired by isnt it.

short circuit was a rip off of a 2000ad future shock many moons ago. confirmed by the courts. if you are not aware.

Wrong. It was Richard Stanley's film "Hardware" that was a rip off of Kev O'Neill's story "Shok!" from a Twoth annual. Short Circuit had nothing to do with it.

Adrian Bamforth

Quote from: "dankell"Full Movies have been:

Toy Story
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2
Monsters Inc
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles

Looking at  rack in Woolworths I noticed that the Disney CGI Movies without Pixar didn't fare so well: Chicken Little and Meet The Robinsons. I'm sure they animation of these it still pretty good, I wonder if they are basically projects that Pixar have rejected when the story isn't up to scratch.


As I understand it Pixar is pretty much entirely autonomous as a business unit.


Quote from: "Devons Daddy"does it end happy?
bit spoiler i think. and dont know how to blank it stop reading.

 the bad humans get offed,we loose one of the special robots, the good guy jetisons the futurist eden project into space and the robots stay onboard to tend to it.
this all happens because
the project gets listed for destruction based on   unprofitably  i think.


so it's basically Silent Running told from the robots perspective?


Watched it last night with the kids, wasn't expecting much, but turned out to be pretty good! Not perfect, it's got it's faults, but still good fun. Best kids film I've seen for for a while.
Previous plot descriptions are a bit off the mark, but I dont want to spoil it for anyone. (I also don't know how to do the blanky outy thing either.)

Just go and watch it, you wont be disapponted.

Eric Plumrose

Go watch it, in fact, for the scene where the cockroach watches Wall-E clinging onto the spaceship as it takes off.

Never has the subliminal sexual imagery of a Disney release been so blatant.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.