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Started by pauljholden, 07 December, 2008, 12:32:25 AM

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Wot? No one watching this? I think it's great - (no, don't laugh, or take this the wrong way...) up there with Bonekickers as one of my new fav telly shows.

As a totally lapsed catholic (though since I was never anything other than lapsed I'm not sure how catholic I count as) it's great fun - essentially, in Apparitions  - the whole catholic thing is absolutely spot-on - demons wondering about taking possession, people making deals with Satan and Father Jacob as a maverick priest who exorcises without a licence.

Bonkers, but great. (Also amusing seeing just how well they do the low budget scary exorcisms, a masterclass in doing things on a shoestring...)

ps That may all sound negative, but I really enjoyed it. Oh god. I have terrible taste, don't I?


I'll probably get disowned by my devout Dad for admitting this, but I think this is great too! It's not often you get something as nerve wracking as this on prime time TV (I mean, that first episode where the young priest was skinned alive? eek!)
Definitely worth a viewing, if you ain't done so.

(But Bonekickers was so shite it was almost watchable. Might work better as a comic though -they've cancelled the Tv show, maybe you could pick the rights cheap PJ!)
An old-school, no-bullshit, boys-own action/adventure comic reminiscent of the 2000ads and Eagles and Warlords and Battles and other glorious black-and-white comics that were so, so cool in the 70's and 80's - Buy the hardback Christmas Annual!


I watched the first one of these, and it was in exactly the same my-God-this-is-terrible, let's-watch-it-next-week-too class as Bonekickers. Alas, it's on on the same night as Never Mind the Buzzcocks, though, and I'm not wasting a lunchtime to watch it on iplayer.

Anyone care to bet against [spoiler]that cardinal bloke being a baddy in the end?[/spoiler]
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


Hey! I'm watching it!
This is turning out to be pretty classy stuff actually. Strong performance from Martin Shaw and generally good acting all round.
Well written, directed and seemingly well researched-episode 3 was particularly compelling.
I'm getting a severe case of the William Peter Blatty's-which can be considered a good thing! With the inclusion of evil Homepride Cooking Sauces man for good measure, there's not much not to like about this series. Shame the ratings have been generally underwhelming though.
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