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Starhyke DVD

Started by Mardroid, 18 November, 2009, 03:39:50 PM

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I've been waiting for this for a while. It's finally coming available.

Information here.

It was supposed to have been available around Christmas time last year. Still better late than never, as the cliché people say.

To be honest I haven't watched anything apart form the trailers, which seemed a mixture of cool sci-fi effects* and extreme goofiness. I welcome the former (as long as its an accompaniment to a good story and acting) and I'm a touch worried about the latter. I like the odd bit of silliness, but I hope it doesn't overdo it. To be fair, you can't really tell from a trailer though. They're going to highlight the wacky stuff.

Here's hoping it's better than Hyperdrive anyway.

It looks like they've got a nice set of extras on the DVD. Apart from the fruit-lady-from-Brainiac's bosoms, I mean.

*It was actually filmed a few years back but they weren't able to find a home for it. They took the opportunity to keep the effects up-to-date in the meantime, which is nice.


Never heard of this. Bit difficult for Space comedies as they are expensive to produce and don't always find an audience. Red Dwarf took almost 3 seasons to hit the right track and it only reached cult status.

They seem to have attracted some good,reliable actors but without a good script their lost in space. 
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


I love Red Dwarf. I think it reached a bit more than cult, but I know what you mean.

As for Starhyke, they went ahead and did 6 episodes anyway, even though this was a few years back... Seems rather a risk to me. I hope it's decent anyway. I'll probably risk it and get the DVDs at some point (although when I don't know). I doubt there'll be a second series anyway, since nobody has bought the first.

A couple of years back there was mention of a channel that was interested, but I'd imagine it fell through.