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How fast do you need to be?

Started by Kev Levell, 08 January, 2010, 09:06:19 AM

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Quote from: Bolt-01 on 12 January, 2010, 10:46:12 AM
HdE: Ouch, that's tough. I tend to give out the deadline for the next issue going to press when commissioning for FQP, Dogbreath or Zarjaz, but always with the proviso that as the work is unpaid- and real life can almost always get in the way, that deadline can be altered very easily.

Hey, it happens. I was well aware that there was a possibility of this sort of thing when I accepted the assigned pages. But you'd think enthusiasm and a desire to impress might have spurred some folks on. Sadly not.

Quote from: Bolt-01 on 12 January, 2010, 10:46:12 AM
Some artists are superb, and never miss a deadline- but others... Let's just say that patience really is required with some.

Too bloody right!

I'm at my wits end with a number of individuals right now. I recently undertook a colouring assignment on a project I had originally only been supposed to supply inks for. Nobody asked me to do it - I was just sick of waiting weeks and weeks for communication that wasn't coming, and appalled at the amount of other people's superb work that was going unseen because our colourist (get this) 'forgot' about his assignment.

I've never understood this mentality. If folks agree to do something, then surely they should do it, right? I take issues like deadlines and teamwork VERY seriously. To my mind, it's the only way to get something produced. I figure professionalism comes down to more than simply producing kick-ass work.

Thanks for the reply, Bolt. Bit of a rant I've got going on here, but it's been simmering under the surface for MONTHS!
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!


DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Proudhuff on 12 January, 2010, 02:40:53 PM
Name and shame!

Naw, I'd never do that (not publicly, anyways!) - suffice to say that the majority of artists who did a disappearing act were hobbyists. They're no different to me in that regard, really, but it's still disappointing that some of them didn't finish what they started.

This goes on with fan-comic projects all the time, in my experience. It's a shame. For starters, some of the folks who just up and disappear are producing AMAZING work. You'd think they'd want it to get seen, at least.

Worse, simply vanishing with no prior communication just stuffs the project up royally. With no indication of what's going on, nobody can even attempt to co-ordinate a project like this. And of course, as artists disappear out the back door, it means that those who HAVE honoured their commitments suffer by seeing their work stuck in limbo.

I'm sympathetic to the fact that life gets in the way - very much so, in fact. But simply dropping a project and walking from it without letting anybody know - that's contemptible.

Sorry if I'm derailing this conversation folks - like I said, this has been simmering for months!
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!

Richmond Clements

Quotesuffice to say that the majority of artists who did a disappearing act were hobbyists.

You ever see the work of soeone who's been a twat in another comic and jus know by looking at it that they've- say for example- totally fucking ignored the script and drew what they 'thought' instead? Again.


Um, yeah. Every time I look at my drawing board, in fact!  :P
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!


Richmond Clements

Quote from: HdE on 12 January, 2010, 04:46:12 PM
Um, yeah. Every time I look at my drawing board, in fact!  :P

You artists...


Quote from: radiator on 12 January, 2010, 05:32:04 PM

Heh! That made me snigger!

I think that's an interesting point htough, that work expands to fill the time available to do it in. I've seen a fair few commercial designers and concept artists explaining their practices and how they work with this in mind.
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!