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Judge Anderson: The Psi Files 01 and Robo-Hunter: The Droid Files 01 out now!

Started by radiator, 24 November, 2009, 10:31:23 PM

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Micro-bolt is currently devouring the slaying of Slade EE, and he 'loves' Verdus, so much so he's read it more than I have really.


Quote from: Dark Jimbo on 27 January, 2010, 09:37:11 PM
It's not until the Brit-Cit era kicks in that it really finds its own identity.

Unfortunately that "identity" turned out to be lame comedy featuring robots that look like Jimmy Hill and Gazza. Verdus really nailed that middle ground that early 2000ad managed so well - a serious action story with funny bits, rather than just one-note silliness.


Quotea serious action story with funny bits

I didn't think it was serious or funny.

The racial stereotypes are a bit dodgy too.


Just got around to reading some of the Psi Files stuff this week. I am BLOWN AWAY at how well it stands up next to contemporary material!

It's re-affirmed Judge Anderson's place in my affections as an all-time favourite 2000 AD strip / character. Even if I could live without the more overly occult / supernatural stuff, the 'psychic detective' stuff is blisteringly good fun!
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!

Roger Godpleton

Quote from: radiator on 28 January, 2010, 10:55:37 AM
Quotea serious action story with funny bits

I didn't think it was serious or funny.

The racial stereotypes are a bit dodgy too.

I pity you.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Mike Gloady

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Quote from: radiator on 27 January, 2010, 08:59:15 PM
Must admit, I'm having second thoughts about getting any of the other phone books now, Rogue Trooper included. As I've not read a lot of the really early 2000ad stuff before, I don't have nostalgia on my side!
It's funny what does and doesn't still work for me from the old-skool 2000 AD stuff. Strontium Dog is, I feel, still 2000 AD's finest series, and the complete collections are fantastic. Robo-Hunter went off the boil, though, and Rogue Trooper was never much cop. The quality of Nemesis (or lack thereof) is also starkly brought into the harsh light of day by the chunky collections, with the first volume massively outshining the others (although volumes 2 and 3 are still readable.) Oddly, despite the fact I'm not a big Pat Mills fan, I found the Starlord Ro-Busters section of that trade thoroughly entertaining.

Mike Gloady

Agreed with you on the Nemesis and Ro-Busters front, IndigoPrime.  Although I am something of a fan.  The last volume of Nemesis suffers by comparison particularly, but the last book with Henry Flint is amazing (even if it seems like it's been brought to a conclusion a bit too quickly.  Despite that, it's still very good - it only seems weak in comparison to the first volume (particularly the Kev O'Neill storylines).

Strontium Dog barely misses a step, the only Twoth strip I can think of that's been as consistent is Nikolai Dante.  All five volumes of the classic series are amazing (even if, like me, you think Grant's stuff isn't nearly as good as the stuff involving Wagner - especially on the decision to kill Johnny).  The revival is also cracking.

Rogue was also massively patchy and Robo-Hunter either works for you or not.  If it does, there's still quality issues but it's fun - if only in a retro fashion.
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