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Judge Dredd Creators

Started by markdienekes, 19 July, 2010, 10:15:05 PM

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Hey, I know this might be a bit much to ask for a first post, but I'm very interested to know just how many stories John Wagner has written on Dredd? I know he's done a lot!
And who has illustrated the most issues?

Thanks for your time.

2000AD rocks!!!


I don't know about Wagner but I'd say Ezquerra for the most drawn issues as Necropolis and Apocalypse War were done by him alone.
...because I hate you.


Well, I've found the creators page - but I'm a little confused, didn't he write the first Dredd in prog 2, as he's not attributed - his first work is prog 9.


Early Dredd is a bit of a minefield - everyone and his pet cat seems to have had a go at writing it, including Wagner, Kevin Gosnell, Malcolm Shaw and Pat Mills as launch editor.  I believe some guy called Harris (I know nothing about him) was the writer for that first (published) Whitey story, but it was probably heavily 'edited' by Mills.  Wagner finally brought some sense to proceedings with the Robot Wars in Prog 9-ish.  He may also have co-written the first Dredd story to be drawn (by Ezquerra) with Mills , which didn't see print for some time - I forget.

Have you tried Barney?  He's good for these things, since fans regularly correct any mistakes:


For some reason Wagner was often credited under pseudonyms though.


Quote from: Mardroid on 20 July, 2010, 02:23:05 PM
For some reason Wagner was often credited under pseudonyms though.

Ah.  Didn't think of that - I know Shaw and (obviously) Gosnell are real people, Harris might be pen-name.  

Just checked Barney and he gives a Peter Harris, but as you say.... I had understood that Wagner had gone off in a huff when he saw Ezquerra's uniform designs, to be followed in short order by the Squirrel himself when McMahon got to draw the Prog 2 story.  I'll have to brush up on my TPo when I get home!

Here markdienikes, you could ask Wagner himself on his Facebook page.

Leigh S

Vaguely accurate off the top of my head  summary:

Wagner came up with the idea for a future cop in future New York who would blow people away for minor crimes.  Pat Mills lent it the name Judge Dredd, which he had been meaning to use on one of his own strips, but was happy to see go to a worthy cause. Ezquerra drew the first (wagner scripted) story, and made it look a LOT more futuristic than Wagner ahd perhaps intended. The editorial team then decided to push the time frame forward and I believe it might have been the art editor who suggested the idea of a huge coastal "MegaCity" as more inkeeping with Ezquerras vision.

Wagner leaves the scene, possbily due to Ezquerras designs bamfoozling him, possibly because a profit sharing deal that had been floating around was reneged on.

Personally, I'd love to know this info too. In particular Wagner and Ezquerras page counts for Dredd.

Pat as editor tries out a number of writers inclusding himself to try and knock some shape into the consept, and Wagner soon returns fronm his sulk to show the all how its done! :)


QuotePat Mills lent it the name Judge Dredd, which he had been meaning to use on one of his own strips, but was happy to see go to a worthy cause.

ISTR Mills' strip idea was called Hanging Judge Dread and was about the occult...

Leigh S

Quote from: radiator on 20 July, 2010, 06:18:49 PM
QuotePat Mills lent it the name Judge Dredd, which he had been meaning to use on one of his own strips, but was happy to see go to a worthy cause.

ISTR Mills' strip idea was called Hanging Judge Dread and was about the occult...

Indeed, twas an occult story and I am convinced (even if Pat himself isnt!!) that this was mauled with and saw print as "Dr Sin" in one of the early 2000AD annuals - I even think it was on this site for viewing at one point....