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Started by das, 29 July, 2010, 07:26:28 PM

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Confusion is Better Than Sex


Thanks Das for the link, . . . it's been pulled now!

I was not convinced prior to this but must admit pre-judging it was foolish. I believe Mr. Brannagh might possibly have fashioned the best Marvel movie yet.

The Doctor Alt 8


Finally, a sequel to Masters of the Universe!

I quite like the design of Asgard, hangs together well.

The Doctor Alt 8

Pulled again....


Still at the link I posted.... for now.  How dare we publicise their movie for them!


Yep twas there a few mins ago. Impressive. I like the Fire Giant or whatever it was at the end.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


The Doctor Alt 8, You've missed him flexing his pecks!!! :o

Professor Bear

That wasn't a fire giant, that's The Destroyer, a sort of armor/supervillain bike wielded by many a top Marvel nutter over the years.
The trailer is here too, for however long:


Nice Tony Stark mention towards the end of the trailer.


Quote from: Professah Byah on 29 July, 2010, 10:10:58 PM
That wasn't a fire giant, that's The Destroyer, a sort of armor/supervillain bike wielded by many a top Marvel nutter over the years.
The trailer is here too, for however long:

hmmm thats a shorter trailer then the other one.

the destroyer is KIRBY kool !!
Confusion is Better Than Sex

Judge Olde

Damn, not working on my pc. I'll keep looking for a trailer that works


I've seen the trailer and can't wait for this movie now.
However there is still the chance of it turning in to another The Phantom Menace.

Jared Katooie

I've hated everything up till now, but the trailer makes it look like fun.

Judgement reserved.


Yeah, that trailer puts everything in a better perspective.