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2000AD Store....Why?

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 14 January, 2016, 07:51:24 AM

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I've already got these, except my version of Grail War was always corrupted and won't open and then claims I don't own it when ever I try to download it again.

I think had the problem before and it was fixed after I notified the right people.

Yet, I think the problem is recurring and I couldn't deal with it now.

I'm not going to rebuy all the digital Slaine's again.

I have them all, you know.

Is there, lull in the sales of these or does this have something to do with those miniature's based on characters' Time-Killer.

I did leave link to show them somebody where to buy that very graphic novel when asked.

Never the less, I do hope this helps improve the 2000Ad economy.


Fixed the problem with Grail-War, after just clicking on the link to my account in the online stop and finding Grail War linked on list of everything digital book I ever brought here.

It appear to be working fine now, but for how long.

Thirteen novels.....unlucky.