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The world beyond Mega City One.

Started by leebrown1990, 09 September, 2010, 03:08:42 PM

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I'm a big fan of travelling; recently I visted Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, with hopes of doing mainland China or Japan in the next couple of years. I'm really intrested in Asian culture and I'm really enjoying the Shimura trade, and the Hondo City and Hong Tong stories appearing in the Meg recently.

Anyway I was just wondering what information is avaiable (i.e is there a Judge Dredd encylopdia sort of thing?) or what stories there are there that include Sino City Two, Inodnesia, the Mongolian Exclusion Zone, Bangkok and the Radlands of Ji etc. There seems to be so many potential stories here, but I've never seen anything about them.

On a similar note, what about Indo-City/ Nu-Dehli and the recent Siku interview in the Meg made me quite intrested in the Pan African Judge series, is it any good?


"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."


I'm pretty sure there's a 'Judges of the World' type article in one of the yearbooks/specials (possibly with Brendan McCarthy illustrations) - there's also a Dredd world map in the Anderson story Shamballa. There's many world judges in the dredd story Crusade, which is pretty much regarded as one of the worst Dredd stories ever published (even by Tharg).

Quotewhat stories there are there that include Sino City Two, Inodnesia, the Mongolian Exclusion Zone, Bangkok and the Radlands of Ji

None that I can think of.
On a similar note, what about Indo-City/ Nu-Dehli and the recent Siku interview in the Meg made me quite intrested in the Pan African Judge series, is it any good?

It's not well regarded. The Judge Dredd/Devlin Waugh crossover story Fetish is worth a read though - that's set in Africa. It's in the first (I think) Devlin Waugh trade, but the repro in that is horrible - Hamlyn collected it many years ago and the repro and colour is lush so that's the one to get.

There's also the story Book of the Dead which is set in Egypt. It's crap, though.

No stories set in Indo-Cit that I can think of - there was an Indian Psi judge in the dredd story Inferno, but ISTR (and I may be wrong) that he had a quite offensive name (Bhaji?).

Dash Decent

The "Pre-emptive Revenge" audio drama is set in the Radlands of Ji, isn't it?
- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.


QuoteThe "Pre-emptive Revenge" audio drama is set in the Radlands of Ji, isn't it?

Never heard them - not my cup of tea.

I suppose the last few episodes of Judgement Day are set in the Radlands.


There's the A-Z of Judge Dredd.

From the Dredd Mega-Special '88:


Wow, Garageman, thanks for that. Got to go to work now :-(, but I'll have a good look through in the morning.

"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."

The Corinthian

There's a brief bit about the terraforming of the Radlands of Ji in a recent-ish Shimura story.


These recentish threads might help:,28411.0.html,28616.0.html

This is the most up-to-date version of the map that was worked on in that second thread:
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+


Sov Blok territory looking a bit more habitable there than I'd really imagined it.

Also: Seattle is a Dreddworld city?

Kowalsky (formerly JudgeGumpty)

REMINDER TO ONESELF: I still have to edit that Map.
Never rub another mans rhubarb


Liking the map Emperor. Shame there aren't any stories, but ripe pickings for Fan-Fic.

"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."