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World of Warcraft...

Started by tumnus, 20 March, 2011, 06:02:43 PM

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I did pay the trial version and confess to rather enjoying it!

I don't like the idea of continuing to pay for a game after buying it though. I had a go of another game called Guild Wars where you don't! Not as good as WoW in some ways, (you only have humans as a race for example) but it's good in other ways and you only have to interract with others at safe/trading places. And it's a pretty big world. I might get it at some point.


Played it from its 2005 release just quit after reaching lvl 85 (latest expansion)

Very time consuming. Best mmo I've played so far
loveforstitch - Does he fall in love? I like a little romance in all my movies.

Rekaert - Yes, he demonstrates it with bullets, punches and sentencing.

He's Mega City 1's own Don Juan.


Played it for years and now no power on earth could get me back onto it >:(