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Chaingun Chimp 1 needs some art :-)

Started by chaingunchimp, 06 December, 2011, 12:31:08 PM

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Hey Guys

For the first time in a while now I'm actually gearing up to put out a book of my own.
I'm going to be rebooting my Chaingun Chimp character , and giving the book more of an anthology feel. With two one and done stories per issue (just so I can leave a reasonable amount of time between issues and not leave anyone who reads it hanging) . I'm including a bit of political satire along with some general violence and craziness, definitely not taking it too seriously.

Soooo I've nearly finished up the pencilling for my first 10 page story and I more or less have a cover in the bag. The thing is I am looking for someone to contribute some sequential art to the book, as due to time restraints I'm not gona be able to draw the whole thing myself (very busy at the mo), so depending on what people are willing to contribute I have a ten page script or two five pagers that I'm looking some art for. I would be looking for some really aggressive or zany looking art that will not look out of place next to mine.

As usual with these things I cant really afford to pay anyone but I'm going to be paying all the printing costs myself and would certainly be up for paying in favours e.g. lettering someone's book or doing some illustration or design work etc.

If anyone's interested give me a shout sure, should be a laugh.


just too metal

my blog:

For awesome original art by top comic creators please visit:


Chaingun - I love your art and I'd love to help out your first book in any way I can.

That is - I can letter, colour or draw MODERATELY COMPETENTLY. 10 pages is a bit much for me - but I could draw a five depending on the deadline. I'm busy with WTF and Professor Elemental until March but I'd be happy to letter/colour/do a one-page image or summat before then ;)


Chaingun, I'm just getting back to drawing after a long time, so I'm looking for short projects to contribute with. I mess up with pencils alone, though. You can check a sample here.

I could give you a hand with the lettering as well. 


Obviously you've already had replies but I'm also interested in this! So I'll probaly pm you!
They say you need to spend money to make money, well I've never made any money so by that logic I've never spent any.


hey guys, sorry i haven't got back to any of you, hectic couple of weeks there.
I will pm all of you in the next day or so to discuss further.


just too metal

my blog:

For awesome original art by top comic creators please visit: