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Oh, for a 2000AD Skylanders game

Started by Mangamax, 28 October, 2011, 02:29:48 PM

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We've just got our son for his birthday the Skylanders video game, which he adores.
The neat gimmick to it is
(A) You get three action figures of characters and you plop one on the "portal" and, there you go, he's up on the screen for you to control
(B) You can swop the figures at any time, usually if it'd be better to use the special talents of another one, say one who's good at stealth or smashing or whatnot and they take over from the previous one
(C) And there's 30 other figures you can buy seperately at 6 quid a go, meaning theirs endless ways of playing the game.
All summed up in this here ad:

As i say, my son loves it and its great fun to watch.
And it got me to thinking:
How neat would it be to have a 2000AD version?
You buy the game with your three basic figures of, say, Dredd, Alpha and Dante, choose one, trundle off on the adventure and then, if you need brawn, you swap to Slaine or if its markmanship needed to achieve a goal better, change to Joe Pineapples or Rogue.
*sigh* would be nice wouldn't it?
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


Bloody rip off - what's wrong with a "character select" screen?
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