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Halo Jones Play Review

Started by Dr_Kirk, 05 January, 2012, 02:46:34 PM

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Saw this play yesterday and here're my thoughts.  Although the venue is a pub (and a very decent one at that) with limited space, this did not detract from the play at all.  In fact, the actors are literally in front of you and that makes the audience feel almost a part of the play in a way.  Unlike the 1980's production, most of the cast use American accents: I didn't hear any fluffed lines which, considering the 50th Century dialogue, is no mean feat!  The costumes are mostly present-day clothing, but there are touches that point to the originals; Halo has her hat from Book 1, and Rodice wears stripped sleeves in lieu of her leggings in the comic   The actors really do bring the characters to life, and Louise Hamer makes for a wonderful Halo. There are some changes from the comic, as Toby is now humanoid (and wanting to become human), and Toy is shorter than Halo (although Laura Cope more than makes up for that in her performance!).   Talking of Laura Cope, the programme says she has her own company, InTheRed Theatre: whether this is anything to do with In The Red Theatre Company, who did the original 1980's production, is not known. 

The play is on until the 7th at the Lass O'Gowrie in Manchester, and I'd strongly recommend going and seeing this.


Didn't realise this was on so soon! may try to catch it tomorrow night.