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Lets Talk Mangas

Started by Cyberleader2000, 27 January, 2012, 02:41:34 AM

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OK I dont know if any one elses has allredy started a topick like this but if they have pleases merge this post with that topick.

OK I have started reading my very first Manga series The Legend of Zelda Manga Box Set has any one elses read this yet I got it befor x-mas and am only on the 4th book its a good read and a great interpertachion on the zelda story line. but so far I have yet to find any one elses who has read or is reading it and was woundering wether any of you have. this being the first ever manga series I have ever read I was eager to find some people to discuses it with.

Also im geting used to the haveing to read it backwards bust its still wired my outher qustions is does any one have any good recomdachions for outher Mangas to read.
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can you name the anime

Devons Daddy

i am not into this format,  but it HUGE in SE Asia. my son is a big reader,  but tends to read the mandarin versions, so how they are translated I would suggest may be WAAyyyyyyy off the original story arcs.

the cartoons are vastly different that is for sure.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


I can recommend a few -

One Piece - crazy super powered pirate adventure. Most popular manga/anime in Japan at the moment and, in fact, ever.

Bleach - Swords!!! action packed supernatural shenanegans.

Naruto - Ninja's battling in a world of magic and martial arts.

Death Note - Twisty-turny, over the top, audacious story about a note book that kills anyone whose name is written inside.

Battle Angel Alita - 2000 AD flavoured science fiction tale about a female cyborg searching for her true identity in a future dystopia.

Dragon Ball - Before it turns into Dragon Ball Z it's a funny, exciting, fast moving martial arts comedy and well worth a read.

20th Century Boys - Brilliant. Such depth, great characters and full of plot twists.

Nausicaa - Anime master Miyazaki Hayao's manga epic. Goes much further than the film of the same name.

Eden - It's an Endless World! - Underrated action science fiction set in (another) future dystopia. Again, will appeal to fans of 2000 AD.

That should do you for a while.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...

Grey M@a

Others to look at:

Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka - 8 Part Series (can be had for cheap in Travellingman 3 for 2 manga) Pluto follows the European robot detective Gesicht in his attempts to solve the case of a string of robot and human deaths. The case becomes more puzzling when evidence suggests a robot is responsible for the murders, the first one in eight years.

20th Century Boys - as mentioned - apparently running to 20 vols (on 17 now) and then 21st Century boys comes out with 2 vols and that's the end of the series.

Black Lagoon - A little like Expendables on roids, 9 vols so far, waiting on 10 (slow release)

Biomega - 6 part series (can be had for cheap in Travellingman 3 for 2 manga)

7 Billion Needles - 4 part adaptation of the 1950 science fiction novel Needle by Hal Clement.

Dogs - Only got the first 4 vols need to get the rest, Set in a post-apocalyptic world where violence, crime, genetic manipulation and other scientific experiments have become common, the story focuses on four main characters who, through a series of coincidences, meet as they search for a way "below", looking for answers to their individual pasts.

One Piece - as mentioned

Drifters - New series by the creator of Hellsing among others.

That's what I am reading atm, trying not to get into to many due to some of the series running 60+ vols like one piece and the guy who write it said in a recent interview he is barely half way through the story 0.o

Ghastly McNasty

Only read a few horror ones.

Uzumaki Unique story of a town haunted by spirals.

The Drifting Classroom Lord of the Flies on acid.

Death Note Noted above but worth another mention as it's good.


Battle Angel Alita is pretty good. And the first volume (I think it's the first) has Slaine in it, so there's a 2000ad connection there.


Thanks for these reccomendations - always find it hard to know what to go for as, like has been mentioned below, some of the stories run for a lot of volumes!


I'll second (or third even) Battle Angel Alita and Nausicaa and also add

Full Metal Alchemist a classic, 26 volumes so far, on the end stretch now

Neon Genesis Evangelion, described by one friend as "a total headf**k", and he's not far wrong

The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service is excellent as well, if a little gory at times (the clues in the title).

and xxxholic, which despite the three xxx's has nothing to do with pron at all

If you feel the need for something a little lighter there's also Fruits Basket and Maison Ikkoku

Oh and there's also Azumanga Daioh which is the funniest thing I've ever read, and the most fun you could have with a bunch of Japanese schoolgirls and not worry about getting your collar felt  :P

Ghastly McNasty

Just saw this on Twitter (prob deserves own thread)

New B-Format (Manga sized) editions of Dredd

Dare you journey across ... The Cursed Earth?!

Actually someone already has here  :-[

Van Dom

Haven't read the Zelda mangas - didn''t know they existed! But I'll be tracking them down in Book Off when we land in Tokyo in March. That's a must have for me.

My picks would be Neon Genesis Evangelion of which there is only  (I think) I volume left to complete the series. Vision of Escaflowne is also pretty good. I''m also a big fan of Go Nagai's (exploitation-heavy) work. Devilman, Mazinger Angels, Cutie Honey...... It's just good sleazy fun with lots of scantily clad (or not clad at all) ladies. What can I say, it's a guilty pleasure!
Van Dom! El Chivo! Bhuna! Prof T Bear! And More! All in Vanguard Edition Three, available now. Check the blog or FB page for details!



Lord Running Clam

Dorohedoro is a lot of fun though violent in places.


Quote from: Van Dom on 27 January, 2012, 02:23:35 PM
Haven't read the Zelda mangas - didn''t know they existed! But I'll be tracking them down in Book Off when we land in Tokyo in March. That's a must have for me.

My picks would be Neon Genesis Evangelion of which there is only  (I think) I volume left to complete the series. Vision of Escaflowne is also pretty good. I''m also a big fan of Go Nagai's (exploitation-heavy) work. Devilman, Mazinger Angels, Cutie Honey...... It's just good sleazy fun with lots of scantily clad (or not clad at all) ladies. What can I say, it's a guilty pleasure!

have a look this is the boxset in total there are 10 books I goit the box set as its about the only way to get them in order

Its definitily worth a buy I have them as my books for when one needs visit there Throne (and thro that may not seem hi prais only books im enjoying and want to take my time reading get saved for this.)
Pleases Vist My Blog

can you name the anime


I was over the moon when one of my nieces told me she was really into comics - turns out it was all manga stuff about elves and schoolgilrl romances. I tried not to let my disappointment show and encouraged her nonetheless. I couldn't even steer her towards the giant robot or monster end of the genre.

Ah well. I gave the youngest boy (11) a bunch of those classic Marvel pocketbooks for Christmas - I'll geekify one of 'em if it kills me, but I think he's my last chance out of six!