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Prog 1802 - Wanna Confess?

Started by The Enigmatic Dr X, 22 September, 2012, 09:07:30 AM

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Crud, forgot about the letters page.  Not cool, Tharg, not cool.  I don't think Zoe's letter was particularly well pitched, avoiding direct criticism in favour of 'only for teenage boys' hyperbole, but she raised a valid concern, and it deserved a more respectful reply. Hopefully someone takes Tharg to task on this in a future page.

Professor Bear

I thought the same thing.  It's part of "Tharg"'s charm to aggressively remind you who he is and that he knows what he's doing even if your puny human mind cannot comprehend what that might be, but when he's barely trying to be evasive it suggests a sore spot has been touched upon.  The readers have made our feelings on the matter known and Zoe's letter acknowledges it in print.  I think that's the best we'll get.

Solid prog all round this week, but now I miss PJs pixellation filter.
A sure sign as ever that I'm out of step with the readership in general is also that Bob Byrne's strip was the best thing in it for me, and one of the best things in the book for a long while.  If I had a criticism, it was that the twist twigged on the penultimate page, but apart from that it's fantastic and I'm not surprised at all that it's divisive given that we've had threads here on the board dedicated to "Alan Moore can't write" and "Dave Gibbons' ladies aren't sexy enough", so some spud-chomping cunt waltzing into the prog like he owns the place and using a toothbrush to draw ducks raping Lego people is lucky he wasn't lynched from the nearest post.


Quote from: Professah Byah on 04 October, 2012, 01:51:16 PM
A sure sign as ever that I'm out of step with the readership in general....

Who'd'y'think you are, Pat Blinkin' Mills?

Quote from: Professah Byah on 04 October, 2012, 01:51:16 PM
.. Bob Byrne's strip was the best thing in it for me, and one of the best things in the book for a long while. 

It's a fantastic piece, definitely one of his best, and that's as one who slurps up the man's every excretion as if it was fine wine. There are artists out there who could happily lay down their brushes for good after creating something as brilliantly original as those definitely-not-ducks, for Bob it's just another day at the orifice.