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Shakara trade questions

Started by brucegray666, 09 September, 2012, 07:58:27 PM

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Bit of help please folks!

I'm wanting to buy the Shakara trades and in my Amazon basket I've got:

Shakara: The Assassin (ISBN: 978-1905437887)
Shakara: The Destroyer (ISBN: 978-1781080382)

Is this all I need to collect the whole Shakara tale?

Mark Taylor

Yes. Two trades is all of it, and your ISBN numbers match the ones on my shelf. Oddly though Amazon seem to have the title of the first one wrong. My copy of ISBN 978-1905437887 is titled Shakara: The Avenger. With the exact same ISBN though I think you can safely assume it's the right book.



I've had the pre-Rebellion Shakara hardcover for ages but it only seems to collect the first half of the first trade. Shame they didn't keep this format - it's a lovely package!

The Prodigal

Shakara has been one of the few 2000Ad avenues that I haven't explored since coming on board at Christmas. My finger has hovered over the trades on Amazon though.

I take it that they are highly recommended?

Dark Jimbo

Oh, definately. As said above it's done in two trades, so it's not a huge commitment like Dredd or Dante. Particularly recommended if you like the artwork of Henry Flint (and who doesn't?!)

Greg M.

'Shakara' is extremely wonderful, particularly the second of the two collections. It looks gorgeous from the off, and the first couple of stories are good, but I'd suggest that it's once Cinnibar Brennekka and Eva Procopio are introduced that it really takes off into the stratosphere of mega-thrills.


Shakara is sneckin' amazing! That and Kingdom are my two modern favourites - definite classics!

The Prodigal

Right I'm foamin' at the mouth now to get at them.

Thanks guys.

Dark Jimbo

My head is now full of thoughts of Eva Procopio's bum. Must get that second trade.


Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

Ancient Otter

Shakara is a  pretty good example of how to do old skool high energy 2000AD tales right, well recommended The Prodigal


O Yeah, Shakara is in my top 5 ever 2000ad stories, brilliantly bonkers!