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Boardwalk Empire s4 (spoilers)

Started by MR. ELIMINATOR, 19 November, 2012, 11:46:09 PM

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Did try looking for a thread for this show, but didn't see one.

Has anyone watched the latest epidsode? ep10 se4.

Thought it was really good, killing off Owen has really kicked things up a notch. I am pretty sure they are gonna have Nucky and Richard Harrow (the guy with half a face) team up, that will be cool to see.



Yeah I'm still on board and enjoing it.

I find Margaret a bit annoying but like Harrow and hope he's back in kill mode soon.

I think Gyp Rossetti is a great character and it's great how no one is safe. Strange Owen died off camera but they might go back to his demise at some point.

Overall one of my favourite and along with Arrow and Breaking Bad my two main watches - Grimm is pretty good too.