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Scarlet Traces

Started by Art, 15 January, 2003, 08:15:34 PM

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Apparently Dark Horse are going to be releasing Scarlet Traces as a (possibly more collection friendly) mini-series. Though It collected in its entirety in a single A4 volume...


Sorry, i think I lost muscle control and posted that without typing half of the second sentence, which should read

Though I'd be much more keen on buying it if it was collected in its entirety in a single A4 volume...


Yeah, I think I'd hang on for that, it's been in the Meg, so it's not as if I can't read it again unless the ability to assemble three or so magazines together has failed me.


The Dark Horse version is not out til August from what I can make out anyhow.
Remember - dry hair is for squids


Scarlet Traces has been extremely well received in the pages of the meg. Since the cool beans web site is now a dead duck, is the Megazine Editor considering commissioning a new series?


I enjoyed it, am I the only one who was playing spot the other charactors? I spotted Tintin, Capt haddock and Snowy, P Fogg and his sidekick and off course, Babs Windsor and Sid James. Any more?
DDT did a job on me


Yeah, there was a lot of fun to be had spotting people and references in 'Scarlet Traces'. Off the top of my head the last episode had references to the TeleTubbies, Dads Army and in one panel alone the Whitechapel Murders, the novels of Kim Newman, and the films of Julia Roberts.

At Dreddcon:3 I mentioned how much I'd enjoyed spotting references to Ian Edgington who asked me had I spotted the three Quatermasses? I hadn't, had you?