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Organ Trail : Director's Cut

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 21 October, 2013, 08:28:16 AM

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Earlier this afternoon, I started going through all the cheap indie games I had purchased on Steam either late last year or this year so far.

Some game I just downloaded and never played as I had only brought them as they seemed interesting at the time and were  were on special at a cheaper price. Although I was always too busy to play them.

This was one of those games.

Except, it was interesting enough to try out for about ten minutes before I resumed other activities.

Another retro-game set in America during Zombie apocalypse. You and a Ex-Priest find a old Station-Wagon to drive from the east coast, cross-country to a known safe haven on the west coast. After being joined by four of your mates and choosing your supplies of fuel, food, scrap, ammo, med-kits, mufflers, money, tires, batteries. Then you start out on the journey, but before you leave. The Ex-Priest asks you to shoot him because he got bitten by zombie and was infected.

That's where I got stuck. There was no instructions for aiming the gun as it would fire automatically, but only up or down and not straight ahead like I needed it to.

So, I closed the game down (That was late last year.) and never touched it again until today and after playing it up till that same point in the game. I still took a good while aiming the gun and shooting the infected man. Anyway, I got it done eventually and we were soon off on our journey across zombie infested America, travelling to and passing many well known American towns as food, fuel, ammo, and med-kits were being slowly depleted. There many injuries on the way and then we had to dodge a herd of zombie infected deer before finally making it to our first town. It was there we could talk, trade, buy sell more supplies from other survivors.

Scavenging is another option, but it's really hard to aim and shoot the gun at wandering Zeds as you have  to pull the mouse back in the other direction from where you want to aim and click the button to shoot. While moving around looking for supplies.

I managed to upgrade the Station Wagon with a radio which improves healing and we lost the first member of our small party while driving through a zombie horde firing our guns at them on the way. He was dragged out of Station-Wagon and eaten alive.

Then I was killed scavenging for supplies in the next town.

That was a short game for me, but not completed.

They let you write your own epitaph.

It wasn't until I located the game's Wikipedia entry that I found out that, Organ Trail is the zombie remake of Oregon Trail. (Yes, it's also been revived for the Wii) I thought the name sounded familiar and I actually played the original when a old friend gave me a games bundle on a pile of floppies for the C64. Yes, I played that for al of ten minutes and never touched that one again due to boredom.

Organ Trail also has Continuous game where you just drive the Station-Wagon from east to west over a lot  of mountainous terrain knocking over and squishing zombies.

Anyway, try the game, it only cost about $4.99 USD on Steam.