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Constant Problems with STAR-WARS : KOTR Online

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 07 June, 2014, 10:56:27 AM

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After finally getting the game's launcher to except my fourth or fifth display name and password, I finally got the game to start installing and updating. This on the old computer. I am using right now. While the internet only has two speeds on my brand new computer. Slow and stop. It just wouldn't work like a lot of other internet dependant games on that thing.

So, here I am on this one and it then the play button appears to the right of the bar that had just previously filled up before. It was refilling again slowly promising me that it was just loading more content. Also letting me know that it would allow me to play now, but restricting me to only playing characters on the starting worlds or something like that.

So I pressed play and waited, while the little spinning blue circle appeared indicating that the computer was only thinking about getting this game started. After a while the resolution changed, adjusting itself, getting bigger and then the screen went to a blank black colour for a very long minute or two.

After a while, the loading screen appeared, it had a picture of some Star-Wars ship in a space skirmish. At the bottom on the right hand side of the screen was another little blue circle, but in the Star-Wars fashion it look like one of those ports that R2-D2 would jack into to fix the Millienium-Falcon's hyper-drive or switch off the trash-compactor inside Death-Star. While this was a very nice touch and nod to it's source. It spun around endlessly for the rest of the morning (I had been up all night before doing this...) not getting me any further into the game. I was still doing it when I got up later this morning.

I tried restarting the loading sequence, but only with the same results.

So, I then decided to deleted the whole game again and download, install and update it again for the next couple of hours before I tried loading it again, but with the same result.

I tried a few more times and was also prompted me to change my password as it stopped accepting the one I had settled on earlier that morning.

Do detect a hacking. Was somebody using this game's essential gaming file-folders in a game of internet Jenga (Or Jenka....)

Pretty soon, the computer would often just stall or hang and become unresponsive after trying to reload this game.

Then it would log me back out of windows if I tried to use Google on the browser and then the keyboard started playing up and stopped working.

It's done this a few times  as my father would help me and get me another keyboard that we had spare. Yet, the same thing kept happening over and over gain and we were soon swapping all the keyboards over on each computer.

Right now, I'm not having a problem with being logged out or the keyboard not working at the moment now, but the Star-Wars online game is still not going beyond what appears to be a loading screen that could be just hanging.

I just wan to get into this game after all the hype and excitement of the sampling the Beta for Elite-Dangerous.

We even watched the first two film from the Star-Wars prequels again, but only while not paying so much attention to the details because my poor knackered brain just can't handle all the details. I would imagine that watching all six films as once would be like watching The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug again. Which appears to go on and on and on. Except that I think that Star-Wars has better editing and timing. 

Anyway, does anybody play this game and know what's happening to me, here.

The companies that run this game are very hard to contact with specific questions about what happens if you password doesn't work, the game doesn't load and such and their web page keeps sending me to their official F.A.Q. which doesn't early cover anything I want to know. They have it written down that they will only personally deal with you from inside the game.

I have also seen their forum which can only be used once you have earned enough privileges. Probably from inside the game well.

They also have a overseas phone number. As they can be contacted in the bunch of countries in and around Europe and America, but nowhere in Australia. Which, I might be have to call them late at night over a bad connection and talk to them for hours while they tick off reasons their game isn't loading on the computer I'm using. This could prove to be a very pricey phone call.

What can I do....please help???????



Sorry, I think I wrote the wrong game-name, but it's called Star-Wars : The Old Republic[/b] it's not Knights of the Old Republic at all, but a Massive-Online-Role-Playing-Game. It was brought out just before the original Star-Wars: Galaxies was dropped.

I tried the original as well, and thought that it was a little dull and flying through the settlements and over numerous sand dunes of Tattantoine in the free Land-Sppeder awkward. Those things were harder to keep aloft and steer than they looked.  The game only got interesting towards the end of my free 30 day trial when I discovered a online map showing me how to get to all the well known locations on that planet. I had found the Mos-Esley-Cantina, the Docking-Bay where the Milliniem-Falcon was kept, the homestead/farm where LUke stayed with his adopted folks and I was about to enter the old forgotten monastery. Also once occupied by Jabba-the-Hut and his court bandits, pirates, smugglers and bounty-hunters. When my game time ran out.......Pity.

I'm now very curious about this game and if anybody else has played or is playing this now. 


While I'm busy purchasing some very cheap STEAM games.....

I 'm letting it completely install/update before I'll press pay this time.

It's about 82 or 83% done....