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Hi not-so-new to some of the 2000 AD realm but noob at the boards

Started by Lady Warp Spasm, 22 February, 2015, 05:39:37 PM

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Lady Warp Spasm

Hi everyone,

I am a long time Slaine fan (25 years :o) and recently Ampney Crucis Investigates...

Trying some Bagwell era Indigo Prime too.

I like my art droids (Bisley, Davis, Bagwell) and will hopefully find another series to enjoy in my occasional dips into the Progs.

I quite enjoyed the Dredd movie (and will gladly support a sequel), but have never been able to wrap my brain around the strip.  I reckon that comes down to my preference of sword & sorcery and more fantastically driven SF...

Now that I can obtain digital, and/or monthly prog bundles, I hope to explore more and enjoy other series.  And I look forward to talking to folks here.


Welcome, Lady Warp Spasm.  Medieval-set SF tale The Order, by Kek-W and John Burns, is currently lighting up the weekly, sounds like it might be your polystyrene cup (of thrills).  And expect a reply from similarly-inclined antipodean forumite Thryllseekyr shortly... we'll try to make sure he's been fed his calming draught first. 

Colin YNWA


Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

Lady Warp Spasm

Thank you for the welcomes.  :)

And the recommendation. I believe a few back issues come with a 3 month digital subscription (picking up again in April), so I'll be sure to look into the Order (Hope it's still running by then.)