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Game of Thrones: the last series [SPOILERS]

Started by sheridan, 15 April, 2019, 11:09:22 AM

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Quote from: Smith on 30 May, 2019, 06:25:05 AM
I think this will end up sort of like Fullmetal Alchemist.Once the final book is done,we will get a more faithful adaptation and this will just be remembered as weird fanfiction.

IF you ever see those the current rate of production Martin would be pushing 80 by the time the next two have been released.....and that's assuming he can finish it in two books . I wouldn't say the odds were great.


Quote from: Smith on 30 May, 2019, 06:25:05 AM
I think this will end up sort of like Fullmetal Alchemist.Once the final book is done,we will get a more faithful adaptation and this will just be remembered as weird fanfiction.

I doubt it. Season 8 featured some of the most iconic scenes in television history. And the low-key episode before the battle with the Night King was utterly beautiful.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Right...nothing ever gets rebooted 20 years later.


Quote from: Smith on 30 May, 2019, 06:25:05 AM
I think this will end up sort of like Fullmetal Alchemist.Once the final book is done,we will get a more faithful adaptation and this will just be remembered as weird fanfiction.

Did you list this directly from Cosmonauts video on S8?  :lol:

Not that I disagree, I thinks it's the most likely scenario also, gotta milk that cash cow.


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 30 May, 2019, 09:33:19 AM
Quote from: Smith on 30 May, 2019, 06:25:05 AM
I think this will end up sort of like Fullmetal Alchemist.Once the final book is done,we will get a more faithful adaptation and this will just be remembered as weird fanfiction.

Did you list this directly from Cosmonauts video on S8?  :lol:

Not that I disagree, I thinks it's the most likely scenario also, gotta milk that cash cow.

I think much will depend on a) what books get released when and b) how the new Lord of the Rings series works out...

Professor Bear

Quote from: Smith on 30 May, 2019, 06:25:05 AM
I think this will end up sort of like Fullmetal Alchemist.

The lead English VA is revealed as a nonce IRL and I sell all my merch on Ebay in disgust?


Quote from: Smith on 30 May, 2019, 06:25:05 AM
I think this will end up sort of like Fullmetal Alchemist.Once the final book is done,we will get a more faithful adaptation and this will just be remembered as weird fanfiction.

It won't be a new adaptation - by that point they'll have the technology to recreate the original performers digitally and insert an infinite number of additional scenes / episodes.  It'll come in useful to pacify the population as the climate begins to break down in earnest, resource wars overwhelm the planet and Trump enters his eighth term as President.


CYOA meets GoT meets CGI overload meets the end of reason.


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 29 May, 2019, 10:23:51 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 29 May, 2019, 05:39:39 PM
We started a rewatch from season 1 the other night (it'll be something we'll slowly chip away at so I expect we'll get to the end in a couple of years!) and it's weird to see how young everyone is.

It also makes at least some of the criticisms people had about the writing and pacing in later seasons feel a tiny bit like rose tinted glasses. One example that jumped out is that there's literally a scene where a journey from Kings Landing to Winterfell happens in no time at all, they just cut forward in time. It's funny because nobody cared at the time and later seasons got a total kicking for it. Right from the beginning they only really drew out those journeys when the journeys themselves were the story.

In any case, it feels quite exciting to be watching it all again, knowing there's so much good stuff to revisit.

Really have to do this too.  I didn't jump on board for a couple of seasons, and was only really catching up when the Red Wedding came around.

It's so worth it. The later seasons are certainly divisive, but seasons 1-4 are as good as TV gets. On a recent rewatch I was really struck by just how strong season 1 is. There's really no filler - almost every scene has some crucial element of characterisation or worldbuilding, or pushes the overall story forward in an important way. Every single episode has at least one major standout moment, and I think in some ways the lower budget and inability to show much action really forced them to think more about the scripting and dialogue in the early days. I also like how a lot more of the dialogue is ripped straight from the books - I'm really not keen on how the dialogue in the show got a lot more colloquial - almost contemporary - as time went on.

I don't see anyone attempting a reboot any time soon - and the petition to 'redo' season 8 is patently ridiculous - but what I'd really hope for, especially if and when the next two books get published, would be a complete redo of the audiobooks, something closer to a radio dramatisation with music, possibly even ambient sound effects etc and with either a full voice cast or at least a different actor for each POV character.

The current audiobooks are... fine, but very sloppily produced. They are full of continuity errors - mispronounciations or inconsistent pronounciations of character and place names, and though the narrator (Roy Dotrice) gamely does a separate voice performance for each character, they completely change from book to book, so for instance Arya suddenly talks like a pirate in book 4. It's incredibly distracting. He also passed away a few years ago, so they would need to find a new narrator for the remaining books anyway.


Quote from: SIP on 30 May, 2019, 08:13:55 AM
Quote from: Smith on 30 May, 2019, 06:25:05 AM
I think this will end up sort of like Fullmetal Alchemist.Once the final book is done,we will get a more faithful adaptation and this will just be remembered as weird fanfiction.

IF you ever see those the current rate of production Martin would be pushing 80 by the time the next two have been released.....and that's assuming he can finish it in two books . I wouldn't say the odds were great.

I checked with my bookie and the odds are tightening for "coronary before completion".
:P ;)


I finished watching season 8 a couple of weeks ago on Amazon Prime (having only watched seasons 1 to 7 in the last year and a half-ish) and have been reading this thread since.

A few observations.

Overall Game of Thrones is right up there with my favourite shows of all time...could even be the greatest.

I love the huge ensemble cast, the fact that there is no one lead character (can only really think of the The Wire where this is also the case), all the politically intrigue (way better than actual political dramas like The West Wing) and the fact that stuff that happens in earlier episodes is important in later ones.

Also really like that the villans aren't just evil (well apart from Joffrey and Ramsey) but have reasons for doing what they do.

As for season 8.

I agree with the comments that those who thought Daenerys' actions were out of character hadn't been paying attention. She had definitely done bad stuff before.

Don't understand the criticism of Jon, saying he finally did something good / right - he was doing that all the way through.

Don't understand the point about the pacing being off due to a shortened season. Yes there were few episodes, but they were longer, some way longer than normal, so I'm guessing screen time is about the same.

Episode 3 looked perfectly ok on Amazon in 1080.

It seems to me a lot of the criticism falls into a similar bucket to the recent Star Wars trilogy - characters not doing what people want / the plot not going where people wanted, rather than it not making sense.

Funt Solo

Quote from: Magnetica on 10 June, 2019, 09:11:40 PM
I agree with the comments that those who thought Daenerys' actions were out of character hadn't been paying attention. She had definitely done bad stuff before.

One of my colleagues was upset with the direction the show took with Daenerys, and they said "I might as well just chuck my action figure in the trash now".  (I know: adult throws toys away in churlish fit.)

I think this is telling because (for my colleague) Daenerys had become their hero, and when your hero goes off and bombs Dresden it's uncomfortable.  In that regard, the show's way more (subtly) subversive than Starship Troopers in that it succeeded in making a lot of the audience fall in love with a tyrant.

The fact that she decides to take out the civilian population is foreshadowed in an earlier episode when she makes the argument to Tyrion that they should have overthrown Cersei themselves.  She's already blaming them as complicit: as enemies.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.