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Started by ESCUBRIA, 15 March, 2003, 08:53:15 PM

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>did'nt they do some Lovecraft themed stuff

A metal band doing Lovecraft-themed stuff? Well that narrows it down...  :)


Metallica did an instrumental tune called "Call of Cthulu", but that's a bit of a slim definition of Lovecraft-themed I think. More Lovecraft-themed-RPG-themed-song title :o)


I think Metallica's references to Lovecraft were fairly genuine as guitarist Cliff Burton was massively into the whole Lovecraft sphere (before a bus fell on him of course)...


Yep, damn shame that was. Hmm, strangely coincidental (for this thread) that he was replaced by Newstead, who's now with Voivod.


Well it was a track on an mate's album called 'call/kall(?) of kthulu' (sic)...


Also 'the thing that should not be'?

I remember Call of Ktulu (sic) being pretty good.

ANyone ever heard of a dodgy old band, probably prog rock called HP Lovecraft, always wanted to hear some of their music :)


HP Lovecraft were a late-sixties San Francisco (I think) psychedelic band, they're referred to in Illuminatus! by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea who give a good description of what they were trying to do with their music, i.e. open up doors to other dimensions and step through them, taking the audience along with them.  Perhaps they succeeded!  I think I heard some of their stuff a while ago but can't be sure, I may even have some as I recently inherited a huge stash of records from that era.  I must away to the vaults and investigate further...will let you know if I come up with anything...


Heh, sounds just my cup of tea.  Yeah, let me know if your investigations get anywhere, and be sure to keep a journal for if you go missing.


Sad news for any Voivod fans. Denis D'Amour (Piggy) died the other day.

I did eventually get that new album mentioned above and it was excellent, sparking a bit of a revival in my ears. They've got plenty stuff down for a new album which seems will be posthumously released (if that's anything like the right thing to say).

Sad Lobster

Link:" target="_blank">RIP Piggy


Bad Andy

Necroposting for a necro posting.