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Prog 2161 - Organ Malfunction!

Started by NapalmKev, 07 December, 2019, 06:39:08 PM

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Cover by Nick Percival.

Dredd - The Harvest, Part 4. Final episode in what has been an excellent story.

Defoe - The Divisor, Part 12. Final episode and I'm a bit lost to be honest. Is Defoe meant to look evil at the end, as if possessed, or am I misreading it?

Brink - Hate Box, Part 12. Talky episode that reminds me of the crime drama's my mum is fond of: N.C.I.S./Law & Order and such. Not to my taste but the artwork is lovely.

Hope "Under Fire" - Part 12. Final episode and I'm really sorry to see it go. This is one of the best thrills to grace the Prog in years and at no detriment to other strips. We really do seem to be in another Golden age which brings me to...

Fall of Deadworld - Doomed, Part 12. Stunning episode that reaps some of the seeds sown near the beginning of this arc. Excellent writing and artwork, as always. The 'Apocalypse' page in particular!

Stunning Prog!


"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


That's a great Percival cover and should stand out on the shelves. Loving the Dredd procedural.

Colin YNWA

As you were. Dredd solid and entertaining. Maybe not Mike Carroll's best but its a good story.

Defoe ends and I've really not got much to say the series has never really worked of me and this one is no different. Mind the art as improved in the second half and I look forward to seeing how S K Moore's work continues to develop.

The back end of the Prog is just dreamy. Brink continues to be a procedural delight. Its sharp, clean with art to match - yet under it all its so full of human life and drama.

Hope Under Fire sticks its landing to perfection. Again the art perfectly matches the story and its gruesome fitting ending. This series has been superb.

As has The Fall of Deadworld Mortis echoing Dredd's strike back in a suitably gloriously morbid way. This is world building in its most apocalypic form. Just superb ending.

Nice cover next time too and looks like we'll get more Deadworld - I assume a one off and a pretty nice line up to see the year out.

So Tharg's final line-up of the year has been great, not perfect but bloomin' close at times and the end of year Prog suggests we'll be entering the new year in equal good spirits.


I was half expecting Dredd to say something about the robots being considered human now, and then being banged up for 50 years for handling stolen goods.


That would have been a better ending.


Percival's style has never really been my thing, for all that I greatly respect his skill, but that is a very successful cover.


Percival's style is geared for this type of Dredd story as well as any Death related story (like the Dark Judges tale in the meg we had recently)
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Quote from: broodblik on 11 December, 2019, 12:45:58 PM
Percival's style is geared for this type of Dredd story as well as any Death related story (like the Dark Judges tale in the meg we had recently)

Having now read this week's Dredd I completely agree - this one wasn't doing much for me at the start, but art and script came together really well for the final part.  Mark of a good Dredd for me is often one where you don't even notice Dredd is in it: I was fully engaged with the robots' plight, even if it was a pretty well-rehearsed concept.  Also pleased to see that Mike is doing complete diversions from his larger Parliament/gangland theme, much as I'm enjoying that.

norton canes

Sadly, the exhilarating roller coaster ride that's been this run of strips finally comes to its thrilling end.

Hang on, no. A roller coaster ride is ups and downs isn't it. This has been all ups. Is that even possible?

Anyway I've loved all the stories with very few reservations. Defoe has been Pat doing what Pat does best - extended fight scenes packed with splenetic political invective - but it's all been far less ponderous than his attempts to do the same in Slaine or The ABC Warriors and the Moore droid's frenzied artwork has helped enormously to enhance the sense of pandemonium. Deadworld suffered a little, I thought, from slightly shoe-horning in the Sov sub-plot but the final episode of this chapter resolves it brilliantly and I'm so pleased there's going to be an epilogue in the Xmas prog. 'Harvest' has done a great job of filling John Wagner's shoes after 'Guatemala' - the procedural aspect of the plot was a little clunky in places but the concept of a cabal of robots attempting to transcend their artificial status is fantastic, looking forward to seeing how it develops. Brink remains a pleasure to read even though 'Hate Box' has lacked the weirdness that the cult aspect brought to previous chapters. Got a feeling they won't be taking a back seat for long though! Best of all though has been Hope. For the first few installments I complained it was missing the kind of narrative hook that the kidnap plot brought to the first chapter but towards the end it absolutely blossomed into a total classic. I have to say, I love the way the final dialogue of both chapters has concluded with the chapter title. Wonderful touch.

Florix grabundae for an incredible last few weeks, Tharg.


Copy and paste norton canes review here

Enjoyable run comes to an end top-notch for me  :thumbsup:
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


I also agree. Lots of great material in the prog lately!

I loved this Dredd story - script and art - while Brink and Deadworld stayed good and strong. I liked Hope, too, and when it comes to Defoe im happy that its fans are happy.

Looking forward to the Christmas prog!

- Trout

Funt Solo

I am just loving Brink (Hate Box). If you tried to sell me this in the street - pages of talking heads - censored boxes over real swearing - I'd swear it wouldn't wash, but it's the best thing in the prog and is up there among the best things to ever be in the prog.

Like a fine wine...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.