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Gerry Finley-Day or Kenneth Niemand - Writers Solhiem Cup - Tie 11

Started by Colin YNWA, 05 July, 2021, 06:34:24 AM

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Quote from: The Mind of Wolfie Smith on 07 July, 2021, 01:06:21 PMcould the admittedly very different style of writing actually be a reason for the pseudonym (be it gordon or anyone else)?
That would be an incredibly difficult tricky to pull off. Combined with the Thrillcast episode, Occam's Razor suggests the reality is just a very dull explanation. If not, fair enough—but you would then wonder if everyone has just a bit too much time on their hands!


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 07 July, 2021, 12:29:45 PM
As for the thinking Rennie would have a creative monopoly, that'd be absurd in the extreme considering how much Abnett pens for the Prog.

I don't FB but isn't there a lot of haters out there in certain places for the GRennie droid and his work/politics/attitude? That could give the theory traction?


Kenneth Niemand 5 : GFD 0

The Niemand droid has perked up the last few years of Tooth for me, long may he/they/it continue.
DDT did a job on me

Funt Solo

Interesting discussion, but I'm sticking with the pot plant teleportation accident theory.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Mind of Wolfie Smith

could he be a returning writer, one whose past alleged indiscretions - with regard to allegations of being puerile, gauche, far too ignorant of the basic craft of writing for sequential art, disrespectful of the heritage that he was seemingly taking pot shots at with his fearless and insufferable adolescence - makes him a writer who needs a new name now in order to be read without (probably justifiable) prejudice?

so. mark millar it is.

Colin YNWA


Well this one was quite the discussion. Just who have we been voting for. Who is that enigmatic Pink Lime. What does catfishing mean (I had to look it up!) this one has had it all... oh and a thrilling vote betqween two very popular talent who very much define different eras of the Prog. It was quite close and it seems I wasn't quite as out of step as I thought. The enigma within a mystery that is Ken Who got a lot of votes and acknowledge meant as one of the best of the new talent. But GFD, whatver I think of his output has a legacy and fanbase that just can't be shaken and he provide the victory Team Classioc really needed.

Team Current 7 : Team Classic 4

Team Current 580 : Team Classic 409


Quote from: The Mind of Wolfie Smith on 07 July, 2021, 01:33:48 PM
oh. i always assumed it was seventeenth century writer and philosopher, rennie descartes ...

Is this an example of putting Descartes before the horse?  :D