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Portrait of a Mutant vs The Bitch - Bolt-01 Cup - Qualifying - Epic: Game 08

Started by Colin YNWA, 12 August, 2021, 06:48:05 AM

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Colin YNWA

Portrait of a Mutant vs The Bitch - Bolt-01 Cup - Qualifying - Epic: Game 08

Damn that mixing we're back top two games from the same Region, same Group even. This time two important matches in Group to of the EPIC region.

All you need do is vote for your favourite between:

Portrait of a Mutant - more info


The Bitch - more info

Just reply in this thread naming your favourite of these two stories at the beginning of your post (or use Bold tags so I can spot it easy) and say what you like about these wonderful stories after that.

Match ends early on the morning of Sunday 15th August and the winner (I'll count up who gets the most votes basically) gets 3 points towards qualifying... huh...

... there's a spreadsheet to make following easier... if you fancy. If not, don't worry just VOTE!!!!

What on Earth is all this?

Why on Tharg's Earth head are we doing this?

Any questions, just ask as ever - and have FUN!

Oh and my 'More info' links... well I don't say how much more and they get pretty wonky at times!


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Both great stories, but both ones which for my money slightly outstay their welcome. Paradoxically I also find the end of Portrait a little sudden. Having said that the legacy of Portrait is huge, and Bitch has not aged well (the cheesecake design of Red etc) so Portrait it is.

Dark Jimbo

I voted for Bitch in its last heat, but it can't compare to the mighty Portrait of a Mutant.

Trooper McFad

Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!

Barrington Boots

Portrait of a Mutant for me too. There's soo much great stuff in it. I really like the 'evil' Stronts in Bitch, but thanks to this tourney I've just done a recent reread of it and it wasn't as good as I remembered.. and does go on a bit.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


NO contest! Portrait all the way. You're right about the ending being rather sudden but by golly the opening 4/5 is resplendent boys-own politically-charged highly emotive glory.

Rogue Judge

Totally agree with the comments thus far - both are great stories but Portrait of a Mutant wins for sure. An important and well executed origin story for Johnny!


Colin YNWA

Just today and then this one goes away. The end is neigh and for one the votes will be high... aham...

There is absolutely no doubt on this one for me. The winner here is one of those foundation stories that help define why the comic, not just the strip, is so important to me:

Portrait of a Mutant


Colin YNWA


Can anything get close to stoppin'

Portrait of a Mutant

Two have tried and only a tale of a delicous villain, meeting a great friend and trolls can stop it making a clear and easy clean sweep here. The Bitch just didn't get close.

                                       Points    Vote Difference
Portrait of a Mutant         6                  21
Max Bubba                        6                   5
Final Solution                    0                 -12
The Bitch                           0                 -14