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What did Santa bring you?

Started by Daveycandlish, 26 December, 2021, 06:51:17 PM

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Only comic related thing was Reinhard Kleist's graphic novel about Nick Cave, Mercy On Me.

Barrington Boots

Only comics was a big box of old Buster comics from 1986, but I was lucky enough to be given two original pages from Rok of the Reds and a 1969 page from The Steel Claw. Not quite sure where I'm going to hang all these but what a lovely dilemma to have.
Belated Christmas wishes to the lot of you!
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Rara Avis

Aha! I get it now it's the complete lack of thought and effort. I also gave socks as a gift to a male friend this Xmas but they had dinosaurs on them and they went with a copy of Battle: Invasion 1984.

Sounds like you have some nice friends though. Hope you had a nice Xmas too  :)

Quote from: Jade Falcon on 29 December, 2021, 09:01:16 PM
It's not so much that I spent more, its just that in my opinion socks are the stereotypical lazy gift.  She might not have had much money but as I say I would rather have had nothing with a nice card, it's hard to explain.


Quote from: Jade Falcon on 28 December, 2021, 06:30:04 PMI bought a close friend a Charles Rennie Mackintosh brooch, she likes scottish jewellery and I try to be thoughtful when getting her something.  So I got that and a nice card.  In return, no card and socks.

Quote from: Richard on 30 December, 2021, 12:14:07 AM
I bought my sister cashmere gloves for £35. In return she got me a box of Liquorice Allsorts, not even Bassett's, and practically inedible, for probably £3 or something, and some beef jerky. Fffff.....

Quote from: Rara Avis on 29 December, 2021, 07:18:21 PM@ Jade, I also spent more on gifts than I received. When I start to feel bitter I remind myself I bought those nice gifts because that's who I am.

Rara Avis is right, those are pretty crappy exchanges, but you are all clearly finer and more civilised people than your friends and relatives - well done for that.

I've always been a net loser in the Christmas present stakes, not due to thoughtless gifts* but due to our family convention - you buy for your mum and dad, and siblings until they have children, when you buy for their kids instead. Children, when old enough, will buy for siblings and parents, but aren't expected to return-gift aunts and uncles. Which is fine until you remain childless whilst your 2 brothers have 6 children and (currently) five grandchildren between them. I always tried to put thought into the kids' presents - 2 year old George was delighted last week with his Duplo bin lorry (with wheelie bins). One of my warm'n'fuzziest Uncle Memories was when my niece was about 13 or 14 - not the easiest age to shop for considering I saw her about once a year, but she curled up next to me on the sofa and said "Uncle Philip, y'know, you always get the best presents". I played it cool but I was running victory laps in my head. Never forgot it, and it made that long wet afternoon schlepping round the Manchester Christmas markets worth it.

*although 1995's effort from my big brother came close. Can't remember what I got him, but it was the year of the Stallone film, so I'd been dropping not-so-subtle Dredd hints to him for months. I didn't get any cool movie merchandise, or the VHS of the film, or even the novelisation. I got the audiobook of the novelisation on cassette, read by some random.

Funt Solo

Quote from: Dandontdare on 30 December, 2021, 06:49:31 PM
...Stallone film...I got the audiobook of the novelisation on cassette, read by some random.

On the plus side, the diction for Dredd couldn't possibly be worse than Stallone's rendition.


To make the gift of socks actually a warm welcome, simply throw out all your other socks!*

*Sponsored by Viz's Top Tips!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



Not socks exactly, but thermal vest and long johns along with the security light my brother gave me.  I liked them anyway.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 31 December, 2021, 05:18:31 PM

Not socks exactly, but thermal vest and long johns along with the security light my brother gave me.  I liked them anyway.

My mum bought me a set of thermals when I went to uni in Dundee. I scoffed and refused to wear the "old man's underwear" for ages, until my first Dundee winter. First time out was a revelation. Been an unapologetic fan of long johns ever since. Perfect for camping, those chilly evenings around the campfire and as a substitute for pyjamas.

Did you get yourself sorted accommodation-wise JBC? I take it you're landlocked again.


Think I might be a long-john convert too - as a motorcyclist, I can't believe I haven't thought of them before.  If they're good enough for Nikolai in the House of Sin, they're good enough for me.

And yeah, thanks for asking - I've been absolutely blessed; a neighbour of mine who lives a few yards from the site of my boat decided to build a kind of chalet / log cabin on his land, and decided to rent it to me.  The man is a machine; he's single-handedly built a lovely little house in less than three months.  Right now I'm in a caravan in another neighbour's yard but will be moving in to my hobbit-house in January.  And a hobbit house it will be - my mate has given me free reign with decor and I've decided on a sort of Bag End look.

I'm very, very close to feeling glad that I lost my home and all my stuff and have a big dent on my head.  It's not often I'd say this, but I'm looking forward to January.  Happy New Year!
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


 I've always liked the idea of boat life and kind of envied you - I was gutted about the accident, but glad to hear that you're sorted. Happy New Year!


Thanks!  I will buy another small boat, and use it just for weekend trips and the like.  I won't miss the constant maintenance!
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"