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Updated dredd continuity/major story reading order

Started by petenix, 02 March, 2023, 09:07:48 PM

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Hi all,

I'm a lapsed reader (two letters published), returned to the fold.

I'm catching up on a lot,of progs, and was looking for a reading order that has prog and Meg numbers for all continuity/mega epic Judge Dredd stories.

I've been following this excellent post, is this still up to date? Or is there something else you'd recommend?
Life is like a sewer, you only get out of it what you put into it.

Funt Solo

I'm going to make the argument that there's no longer a single Dredd continuity, as each writer has a stable of their own characters.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Colin YNWA

Well worth exploring the wider Dredd verse too. Insurrection into Lawless are rarely surpassed.

They will hopefully get you looking at thrills beyond Dredd.


Yeah I'm afraid I haven't updated my original list, but it should be possible. My answer to the point above about Dredd following separate continuities depending on each author would be to include ALL of said continuities...

I'd say Rob Williams 'End Times' stuff is now pretty well tied in with Arthur Wyatt's 'Red Queen' stuff, which helps.
But to be honest I'd need to do a decent re-read of the last 2 years of Dredd to get this sort of job right, which isn;t going to happen in a huryy, sorry!!

As for finding a list of exact Prog/Meg issue numbers to tie in to that list - well I can have a go! I do need to stress, if you're getting into Dredd, but ONLY reading that continuity-based list, you're going to miss an awful lot of fun strips, both comedy one-offs and longer-form action stuff. For a ridiculously fun time, read Case Files 2-14.


Thanks everyone, the reason I was following the major stories is that is allowed to catch up the big beats of what's happened. As a lapsed reader this helps.

This lists is great and is doing the job. I've been googling to ding the progs and megs so don't do a load of extra work for me.

I agree the one offs can be the real gold. Once I'm up to date I'm dip back in. When you enter 2000ad after a break there's such a huge amount to process, you need a system.

I've been using the Brimful of thrills on the 45 too as a guide. I created an ebook with photos for myself.
Life is like a sewer, you only get out of it what you put into it.

Lawman of the Present

The format for varying length stories is one of my favourite things about the series. The mega epics and bigger stories tend to act as summer blockbuster style rewards, while I find most of the world-building and character development often happens in the lead-in or aftermath. I'd argue that many of the shorter stories are more integral to understanding the continuity of MC-1, and I've always found the stories expanding on the fallout of the bigger events the most fascinating.