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Newbie Question about Megazine and Restricted Files

Started by GizmoDuck, 01 March, 2023, 11:11:27 AM

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Hi, all.

I'm going through the Judge Dredd Complete Case File (up to 10 now. Whoo!), what I understand is that Dredd has a completely unbroken timeline since February 1977, one of the reasons I love it, however, I'm a bit unsure on a few points.

Where do the Megazine stories come into it? Do these stories exist separate from 2000AD, or do they also slot into the Dredd weekly 2000AD timeline?

I've just learnt that there's something called the Restricted Files. What are these? If they're not in the Complete Case Files are they part of the Dredd timeline?

Additional: What the heck is the IDW-run of Dredd? I've read a few and they feel... weird.


Megazine stories are for the most part best considered concurrent. Some integrate/crossover directly, but those are rare. Instead, it's more often the case that events in the Meg will be referenced in 2000 AD strips, and vice-versa. All the Meg strips are reprinted in the Case Files.

The Restricted Files comprise stories that ran in annuals and summer/winter specials. Again, these are essentially concurrent. But their standalone nature broadly means they are less vital in the overall scheme of things – although RF 2 and 3 are pretty great books. (1 has a lot of weird early Dredd. 4 is... not good. It's from the really rough period of the strip.)

IDW is (bar some reprint) licensed fare. It's a separate continuity, although it in some cases heavily references what we've seen in the Prog. Most of it is mediocre to garbage, although there are exceptions, such as Matt SMith's Year One, which is currently being reprinted in the Meg.


Lawman of the Present

The continuity ages in real time too, with time progressing for the characters. With most media being canon, general rule of thumb is that stories are set relative to their release date, which makes things nice and simple.

There are a few exceptions, and some stories are explicitly set on specific dates, but nothing too complex.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 01 March, 2023, 11:33:14 AMIDW is (bar some reprint) licensed fare. It's a separate continuity, although it in some cases heavily references what we've seen in the Prog. Most of it is mediocre to garbage, although there are exceptions, such as Matt SMith's Year One, which is currently being reprinted in the Meg.

And confusingly there are different IDW versions of Dredd. None of them are essential.