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Prog 2349: Hail to the chief

Started by IndigoPrime, 09 September, 2023, 10:50:50 AM

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Funt Solo

Really enjoyed Azimuth and Hershey (actually the only strips I've read so far - I have a Dredd backlog).

Azimuth got me back into reading the weekly after I got prog-blocked by Tin Man. Azimuth got me back into Hershey as well - and then that's proven to be the most important Dredd story in the prog, it seems.

The ending to Azimuth has me entirely cliffhangered. Most of the Bulletopia arc (and, going back - Generican Dream et al) - I wouldn't really care that a sub-arc had ended because you could take it for granted that it would pop back in on the semi-regular. But the end of Azimuth is much more of - but why not more next prog? We have to wait now? Slarty var!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Michael Knight

Is anyone else struggling to find this issue in the shops? My local Tesco and WH Smith (both of whom normally put in on shelf a day before issue release date are still not stocking current issue?


Quote from: broodblik on 13 September, 2023, 02:57:41 PMThis was a great prog with a few fitting finales. This is the way the end a run.

Dredd – We all know where this was heading but it was a cracking good trilogy (this will make up a great collection). If have read more than a few Dredd's you should know by now that no villain last forever (PJ was maybe the exception to the rule and naturally the four dark judges)

Azimuth – At first, I was not to keen on Dexter being part of the Azimuth universe, but this was a great read. I am glad that Abnett went back to Suzie, hopefully this is not the last we see of her, and the world of Azimuth lives alongside Downlode for along time. Kudos for Tazio's excellent art. Azimuth will be back in the xmas prog.

Thriller – These stories have always been like a box of chocolates you never know what you are to get. This was one of the better thrillers. It proves that you can a start a middle part and a proper ending without needing to many episodes.

Hersey – This is a very fitting finale and I just love the low-key ending to this series. Hersey ends doing what she loves to do most: being a Judge. Great work from the creative team. Simon Fraser's art throughout this series has been phenomenal.

This fi me ^^^^
DDT did a job on me


Had to go and chop onions while reading that Hershey ending....

norton canes

Sorry, bit behind with this prog... not because I haven't read it - I read it almost a week ago - just that I'm still getting over it. There's some bleak sh*t there! Three of the four stories end with protagonists lying dead! Cheerful stuff it ain't!