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Dredd and Death cast announcement.

Started by Valhalla, 12 May, 2003, 12:16:05 AM

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I think killfiling sounds a bit harsh for a wee jest. How about you let me hack off my own arm with a blunt pen-knife as suitable punishment.

To be totally honest I saw Gods and Monsters last night and thought it was brilliant. It got me thinking that these two would really bring something spectacular to a Dredd film in the aforemented parts. Rather than write "what about blah blah blah as " I thought I'd make it a little more fun for everyone to read and get your imagination juices flowing. The Lynn Redgrave bit was added as a bit of fun and to make sure noone was conned.

oh well.....

I'm sorry if I've upset (and dissapointed) anyone with my casting tale.

Sincerly Val.


Ah, don't sweat it Val. Come and sit in the naughty corner with me.>>

"Just ignore them and get on with your work class."


Better budge up Val, here comes Jared.> src->>

"Don't look at them class. It will only encourage them."


"Miss! Jared keeps messing about with my icon."

Richmond Clements

Karne! Stop showing off! It's not big and clever!


"Right Rac, for talking to karne you can go and join them. And no "but's" now!"


See, I told you. MAD he is. Mad as a lorry that Karne.>
Watch out for 'im.

Knows his shit about images and stuff in posts though;)


Damn! I thought they'd given up on the CCTV after I ate the last one.


Suuuuuure :o)

I imagine we'll be looking at a CGI Death, either that or Kate Moss. I'm sure McKellen would do a marvellous voice for Death though.

Fraser - chin's too pointy! Plus he looks like one of our directors. *shudder*


I doubt Death would be CGI. No need for it. Just get get one of them tall skinny athletic birds. Courtney Cox springs to mind. Have to lop her knockers off though.

I used to know a lop her knockers off. Russian fellow he was. He always used to say that phonetic gags don't work in print. He had a sister called Henrietta, but I digress. Where were we...?

Not that I'm suggesting Ms Cox for the role even if she does wear her skull externally.

On a similar note Dredd himself should look scary, like your worst police state nightmare made flesh. I think it's more important to get the right actor for the role of Dredd, and not feel the need to go for a 'name'. By all means use Jean 'Tubby' Reno or whomever for the criminal sidekick but Dredd himself might be best represented by an unknown who can convincingly fill the uniform, with the addition of a latex chin.

I used to know a Latex Chin. Oriental girl, she was....