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Started by JayzusB.Christ, 21 May, 2003, 01:14:56 AM

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I am beginning to accept that due to an allegedly severe lack of quality, I will never get to read that Invasion story that began in prog 1. Now, I do confess to being a fan of some of the cold-war-paranoia inspired nuclear war strips of the time, and am very curious to know whether Bill Savage actually managed to beat the Volgans, and if so, how? I don't really care if anyone spoils the story. And how did they make him a 'foul-mouthed racist' in the days of serious censorship?
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


The ABC Warriors were eventually the means to the Volgans defeat. As to how Bill Savage away with his foul-mouthed racism, well that's a lesson in how far we've come in regard to racial equality and political correctness since those days.


Oh, and I suppose he did have an excuse seeing as how the them dirty stinkin' Volg's killed his wife an' kid's.


What did he end up doing? just shooting some Russ... sorry, Volgans and waiting for the war to end? Or did the invasion finish before the strip did? Or was there a predicted fall of the Sovi... sorry, Volgan superpower? Or what?
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Leigh S

It ended.....


with him helping the Royal brat escape to Canada and there was talk of a plan to liberate Britain, but as we left him in prog 51, Britain was still under the Cossa - the Volgan Heel


After an emotional smackdown in which most of the supporting cast died trying to save the Prince of Wales, Bill Savage went off to Canada on the Royal hovercraft Britannia, vowing to lead the allied assault upon the filthy stinkin' Volg's and free good old Blighty from their tyranny.

I don't remember seeing him fighting alongside the ABC Warriors though, but the sight of a triumphant Savage holding a smoking ship-mountable rocket-launcher and grinning through a mouth of kicked out teeth has to rate as one of the finest images ever seen in 2k.


Helping out the Prince of Wales, eh? Good grud! Whatever happened to 2000ad's punk roots? Still, i'd love to read the story in its entirity. Maybe someday I... (sniff)... I will.

Anyway, just to clear things up, this all lead to Dredd's world, right? Was it the same war that Bob 'W.' Booth was involved in, or was that a later one?

Jayzus 'always with the questions' Christ
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Booth's war was known as The Atomic War or second American Civil War apparently. It is not  supposed to be related to the Volgan conflict although I suspect Pat Mills may attempt to make it fit in as he later had Hammerstein fighting as a member of Booth's robotic Legion of the Damned.


I still like to think he's out there somewhere... kicking Volg arse with good English shoe-leather


I'd say those filthy Volgs tATu and Anna Kournikova would be watchung their arses.

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Slippery PD

Heh! Heh! Heh!

Is that in a Bill Savage or in a Benny Hill type way????

Yer Slippo


Prince of Bloody Wales?  Awwww, the poor but loyal til the end English working class, and the bloody Scottish Resistence (Dan Dare annual 1979)!

Where do I sign up for the Scottish Soviet?

DDT did a job on me


"Is that in a Bill Savage or in a Benny Hill type way????"

Not sure, but I'ver certainly been watching their arses too... oh, those filthy Volgs.. sorry, what, Sir? No, Sir, Billy Brannigan told me to say it, Sir, I won't say it again, Sir...
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Invasion was brilliant, and no more racist than any war story. I've got a cutting from a Sunday colour supplement from one of the posh papers of the time about it saying how controversial it was. (I must try and find that cutting.)

Sadly, it was tarnished by the later story about Bill Savage "Disaster 1990"(I think it was called) that was utter cack!!!!

"I've got 'em.....I just ain't scratching!'