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Alright son, you've had your fun.

Started by JimBob, 02 June, 2003, 07:44:52 PM

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 Right my laddo, I leave you alone for a while and look at all the mischief you've been up to. Board wars, genral rudery, I wouldn't be surprised to find you'ld been scrumping apples from Mr Thargs garden.
 So run along and play nice, oh and get a hair cut you look like a bunch of hippies.

 Jimbob of Dock Green


you forgot the clip round the ear...


Human rights act schedule 4 part 12 prohibits said clip. Luckily sarcasm and looks of contempt are still (just)legal


"scrumping apples from Mr Thargs garden"

No, but when I was a kid I tried to eat a plastic cup, to see what it was like.

It wasn't nice, so don't try it, kids!

- Trout

Queen Firey-Bou

Thank grud...erm non denominational diety person..... youre back Jimbob, its about time we had some law & order around here. its been terrible! more bobbies on the board is what we need, a gals not been safe to post around these parts...well sorta

so did you have good time away ?
did you do exiting adventures or chill out ?


 and I'll tell your ma,

PC Murdoch.
DDT did a job on me


Hello there JimBob. I'm sorry I didn't get to greet you upon your initial return, but I had a very good excuse ;) Nice to have you back with us anyway.

Regarding the apple scrumping, I'm having to lie low for a while over that as I took a bite out of a particularly huge green one only to discover it was actually Tharg's head. How likely is that huh?


"don't try it, kids!"

Damn you Trouty! Why did you have to say that last bit? You know I'm going to have to go out and try it now don't you?


Oh man, just as we thought we knew all Karne has to offer he comes out with underlining as well!

